What is the point of having an off-topic section if off-topic discussions are closed by mods?

I’m not yelling at you.

Why is it so important that you must keep the thread on topic?

How long? 20 years? 50 years? Since the dawn of time?

I’ve explained myself about as much as I think I can. You can look at my profile here to know how long I’ve been around (though I’m not sure if that includes the time when this forum was originally called elysiun).

Is this a rule for the forum? This seems to say the opposite. (that you can post about politics, provided that you’re respectful)

I still wish you didn’t shut down that topic. But I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Even if political discussions were allowed, it would still be off-topic. Seriously, you have been told you could start another thread about it! If it is so important for you to have that kind of discussion in this forum, go for it if the moderators aren’t opposed to it.

I wasn’t talking about political discussion, but just on just how strictly the adherence to a thread’s title is enforced. You do not want threads meandering from one subject to the next, but you also do not want to restrict discussion to the point where people are afraid to post anything because they are playing Russian Roulette with flagging policy.

When it comes to political discussion though, there is also the issue that the list of subjects classified as political can evolve over time. In addition, we live in an age where a lot of subject types can be subjective, what shouldn’t be political from my stance might not be the case for someone else.

The post I linked to you was literally titled “Think before you post”. If you don’t mind scrolling up a bit you will see my response about this suggestion.

This is your interpretation. I think this is a form of thought-policing. We have been over this. I will let other people draw their own conclusions based on our discussion above.

You asked me how it is off-topic, I gave you examples and were mostly talking about other stuff. I haven’t read an argument from you why those are on-topic. Diverging to other stuff is not the same as being over it.

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I said:

It is not as much an argument as it is a preference. My argument is; let people discuss stuff, provided they keep the discussion civilized.

And if you are offended by it, just ignore that discussion. (I don’t mean you, @DeepBlender, I mean people in general)

Some of the art posted here I don’t like, I move on. I don’t post comments about why it is wrong etc. (If I make a comment about how to fix something, that’s because I like your art and I want you to make it even better)


Well, given how often I go off topic around here, I haven’t been beaten up yet, so I guess there is SOME leeway.

So your point is that you don’t agree with the forum rule that discussions need to stay on topic? Is that the core of what you want to say?

Not sure where you have seen offended people in the forum because of this topic…

I disagree with thought-policing veiled as staying on-topic. Is this a satisfactory answer?

Got it. What a waste of time to have this discussion…

I didn’t force you to anything.

I saw the signs and expected you actually though you were right (I have been there). However, it is just that you think others try to enforce some agenda or whatever indirectly through well established forum rules.

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I wouldn’t want to waste any more of your valuable time.

I assume you are using a keyboard (better word than PC, as that might trigger lurking Mac users…)? I was whipping up a witty, erudite response on my phone and realized I don’t have the energy to fight autocorrect, my fat fingers or my own prejudices anymore. I’m getting old and should also probably get stronger reading glasses, possibly a bigger phone but then I’d have to get new pants with bigger pockets. My sympathies are with the moderators, who so far have avoided descending into the quagmire that passes for lively debate on most other sites, including my once favourite, Slashdot. I sense isolation is clouding your judgement and are looking for a fight as an existential way to prove your existence. Just saying! Get vaccinated, any old vaccine will do and bask in the glorious company that is humanity…

PS, since this is the internet’s, the following is a service message, a warning indicting sarcasm, irony lack of coffee and a sprinkling of poor humour.

Perhaps I should add my own poor judgement…


Oh it is not that. I wasted time by actually trying to explain why it is off-topic. Even though you wrote that this was your argument, you actually meant something completely different.
I understand at least where your kind of thinking comes from that people may not be talking about what they actually mean, but to cover it up somehow.

Let’s say you post a work of art in Finished Projects. And after a short bout of appreciation, critique, etc., people there start discussing the pecularities of a process of cleaning the carburator of a 1970 Toyota Corolla through the exhaust blindfolded and upside down. Fascinating discussion, no doubt, but has nothing to do with subject.

That is exactly what happened to YAFU’s topic. People went over who knows how many subjects there but the one that originated the topic. Including ones that historically have proven to be problematic. That’s all there is to it. But you can of course keep looking for an “angle”, “agenda”, “censorship” however much you please.

Yes, you can be off-topic in Off-Topic.


I’m not super active here but I’m not really interested in this place for politics. I would expect off topic to still be somehow related to blender (computers, art, movies, games, education, motivation…) as opposed to a place to discuss proud boys, furries, Trump, transphobia, or any of the numerous hot button topics which russian bots love to talk about. Don’t you guys already float around on Reddit?