What is Undo History in 2.8?

What is Undo History in 2.8? It used to be Ctrl+Alt+Z and to me that made complete sense.

In the latest build (as of 12.02.2018) of 2.8 the ‘Undo History’ is currently not bound to any hotkey. Also, the "Ctrl Alt Z" hotkey is not currently bound to any action either. This means you can bind it to the ‘Undo History’ function in the ‘Preferences’ window. See below:

You will need to input that little snippet for it to work. That is, “ed.undo_history”. Navigate to Input > Screen > Screen (Global) > Add New.

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Thankyou … but … why? Why unbind something except if you’re going to use the hotkey for something else?

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You are welcome my friend.

I think they wiped all of the hotkeys and started a fresh setup so as to make room for Blender 2.8’s new features w/o having to find out which hotkey is assigned to which function first, then replacing the function that it is assigned to.

That’s what I believe but, who knows?:man_shrugging:

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