What keys + pen buttons do you use for sculpting?

Since my sculpting experience in Blender is just a couple of weeks, I’m curious about what key combinations + pen buttons do experienced people use.

What I know for sure and verified in practice, is that a pen is absolutely necessary for scultpting, mostly due to its pressure-sensitive effect, and secondary due to its lightness and precision.

(Personally I’m using a cheap “Trust” “slimline widescreen tablet” 255 x 160mm (11.9") which is good, but unfortunately goes to sleep very often, even while I’m sculpting and I have to click again on a blank space in order to wake it up -that will be my #1 criterion for my next purchase.

I also have a 3D SpaceNavigator on my left, but I rarely use it, mostly for its turntable ability. In large scenes it’s also good for flying around the scene, but only in Rhino it works good enough although it still can cause me …nausea!).

So, I’ve found the default shortcuts inconvenient and I’m using Right mouse button (pen) alone for scene rotation, Alt + Right for scene pan and Ctrl + Right for scene zoom in-out. Of course I have changed the conflicting shortcuts. What do you use?