What´s Autodesk up to now?

We are Autodesk, resistance is futile, your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

However, IMO Autodesk is just a hat over the rabbits. The companies still develop their stuff, are where they were, just got a new management and the financial backhold of a concern. Now they got guidlines given to them but hey, a huge advantage for each of them is, that they now have a common knowledgebase and codepool. And developer in company A might have a brilliant idea because now he can look in the source of company B.
Many big companies practice this. It´s often cheaper to aquire a whole company and it´s knowledge than to pay license fees.
So from a development point of view it is great.

From a customers point of view it is bad though because there´ll be no competition left at one point - Take away peoples choises and see what happens. If there´s nothing similar to e.g. 3dsmax, you can´t use it and you got no comparison if you got to pay that much or not.

We are Autodesk, resistance is futile, your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Gah! When I read that… I heard it in my head as that raspy Borg voice… :eek:

… and done my job here is. :smiley:

And it’s out. Anybody downloaded it yet? So far i haven’t got around to it, mostly because of the 400mb size.

I began to learn autoCAD at version 2.3 or so. back when IBM still was the only maker of pc.s. I used an AT. there was no render, or 3D. they had isometric, which was hinky etc. Anyway, AutoDesk was full of crap then, and they are full of crap now. They are not High-Class (“well you said you waz hi-class”) they just charge a lot of Money. They have not produced any product other than AutoCAD, all of their true 3D products are bought, with money they gouged out of idiots who overpaid for their “workstation” liscences (like $6000) when they could have had the same functionality with turbo-Cad or design cad, or key cad. They never made AutoCAD true 3D, it is really 2-1/2 D. It so SUX. Everything they get their hands on becomes laden down with spec.s, as if the Government were producing it. They are trying to appeal to CEO’s and such, who don’t actually do anything. they have products which are ONLY bells and whistles. Theres a niche for someone. write a program that blows a whistle, and AutoCAD will buy it. They remind me of microsoft. Release after release they change their program, but do not improve it. its the same old 2d cad program overlaid with such a clutter of confusing BS that i don’t like it.:ba:
Sooo, whats autocad up to now? Same old S. new toilet paper.

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