What ur Username means

Hey :smiley:

This is just a fully off topic , just chit and chat. I have seen in all the forums that people put there username very different other than a name or so. Was just wondering what does that means to you , does it have any sense or just what you think at that time you type.

It is ok if you donā€™t want to share :D.

My user name means the horseman character in Darksiders I and II, The main character is also known as the horseman, and yes 7 is my lucky number so I just put 007 at the end. Do you need to know anything Else.:stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advanced . . . . .

My cat Mr. Pause owns our house and everything around it.

*heā€™s named after Nintendo Pause Buttons.
*also procrastination hence the Pause.

Foundation [Foun-dey-shuhn] -noun

  1. the base groundwork of anything
  2. the lowest division of a building or wall
  3. the act of founding, setting up, establishing
  4. an endowment for such an institution.
  5. an institute financed by a donation or legacy to aid research, education, the arts.
  6. a cosmetic, as a cream or liquid, used as a base for facial makeup.

My current username is the semi-abbreviated version of my Pen name.

I donā€™t think mine means anything really. You might ask my parents about it thoughā€¦

that is a much information wow :smiley:

My current username is the semi-abbreviated version of my Pen name.

Pen Name or Pet name, I am confused J.F.Robot :stuck_out_tongue:

You might ask my parents about it though

Sure I will :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for you replies. :smiley:

My forename is Tarmo and ā€œTameā€ one of the nick names I was given somewhere during the middle school :smiley:
Since then Iā€™ve used it as alias on various forums and games.

My username is my name :smiley:

My real name, as well as also the character name ICe cube used in the movie Friday, where Craig Jones got fired on his day offā€¦

Penā€¦as in writing utensil (i knew i should have used the word ā€œpseudonymā€ instead).


My forename is Tarmo and ā€œTameā€ one of the nick names I was given somewhere during the middle school :smiley:
Since then Iā€™ve used it as alias on various forums and games.

Yeah I can understand that, like in school people call us with new names if they see any kind of ability or so.

My username is my name :smiley:

I have seen this very rare, that some one use the name, before I also use to do this :smiley:

My real name, as well as also the character name ICe cube used in the movie Friday, where Craig Jones got fired on his day offā€¦

That is like a kind of luck you got , yeah for me it is luck and nice too. :slight_smile:

No thatā€™s ok, I was thinking that some times we do mistake and if you have done the same.

And at last thanks

FoundationsofPause too :smiley:

At last thanks to all of you to reply my thread and taking interest in it.

Itā€™s short for Ronald Vincent Tarrant which are all old English names and they mean: royal conqueror of the Earth. So watch it!

Years ago, when i had some chat with my friends, often i conclude the topic in a funny way and made my friends laugh. So (in our native language) they called me the Conclusionman :D. I canā€™t do that often on the web though, due to my terrible english :confused: and i donā€™t want anyone to take my jokes too seriously, or too personally.

My real name is Daren but I put it all lower case because I am wildly rebellious and creative

Nickname I got when I started at my current job. ā€œSuperhero sidekickā€ pun based on my last name.

Deep secret behind the username , yeah I was thinking that it should be because people just donā€™t put there user name just like this, they really mean to it. :slight_smile:





Thanks too all of you that you discuss that secret with us :smiley:

Deep secret huh?
weeeelllllā€¦the name originally started as the name of a character my sisterā€™s and I had made up in our younger years (originally, it was ā€œMr.Robotā€ and i think it stemmed from the lines ā€œDomo Arigato Mr. Robotoā€). As i got more involved with creative writing i used the name as a pseudonym and over the years it had changed (Partly because ā€œMr.Robotā€ sounds a lot like a character from a five year oldā€™s book). Up until the last year, it had changed significantly to the point it was in an actual name format (First Name, Middle, And Last). Originally it was to include my real name but for many reasonā€™s, i settled on the name James instead. The name ā€œFrendinā€ is nothing more than a randomly conjured collaboration of words to get an interesting sounding one. I used that as the middle name. Because i still couldnā€™t bring myself to abandon the name ā€œRobotā€ , i tacked that on as the last name.

James Frendin Robot is, in a way, a character from my stories as well. Outside of being the narrator of them, he has some physical relation to the stories at hand (Which is why youā€™ll get me acting like a paranoid, batty man always warning people of some of the most ridiculous dangersā€¦like flesh eating maggots. Iā€™m trying to portray the character). Because spoilers will ensue if i tell them, im not going to say anything more in relation to James as a character.

This should be a little bit about the deeper secrets (and they go much deeper but iā€™ve chosen to keep those silent :evilgrin:).
hope that helps.
With Due Regards,

Mine is kind of a joke. Iā€™m blonde and my presence of mind is little lacking every once and a while.

I thought the joke was it was only girl blondes that were a bit lax in brain cells?

My name and year of my birth. And next year it will also be my ageā€¦