I’m working on a model of a PS2 controller. I have a picture. The grip is not working out however. I don’t understand, in fact I’ve never understood how you intersect several objects accurately. I could try the boolean modifier but sometimes that leaves a mess behind.
I’ve already got the handle modeled, I would just like to create a more accurate representation of the actual object. I would also like to learn some new techniques.
I checked out the Learning Topologies sticky at the top of this board, but I couldn’t download them because I need an account. Does CG Cookie require me to pay money just to view that?
I checked out the Learning Topologies sticky at the top of this board, but I couldn’t download them because I need an account. Does CG Cookie require me to pay money just to view that?
You can still view the tutorials on their youtube channel. You need to have a paid account to download the content
See https://www.youtube.com/user/blendercookie/search?query=topology
When you said “I have a picture” it would help to show us (me, anyway) the source, because I don’t have a PS2 and googling for it came up with several different objects all similar to your image.
The next thing would be to ask about a specific area of the model that you’re having difficulty replicating, by marking it on the source picture.
The last thing would be to post the blend file so anyone trying to help you doesn’t have to start from scratch. I can pretty much guarantee that no one’s going to steal your hard work and make a ton of money from it.
You haven’t picked a very simple object so don’t be discouraged if it takes you a few tries.