What would the Geometry Nodes for this problem would look like?

I got this little plane with the Origin at 0,0,0.

How would the Geometry Nodes would even look like so that it would create this:

(Basically, add a clone of that plane and rotate it on the Z-axis by adding 11 degrees, whilst repeating this for around 20 times.)

Eg like this.

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Are you looking for a Radial Array? If so you can check out the following node group:

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Thanks, but I think I did something wrong, seems it looks stretched. Got any ideas what I didn’t do right?

@Lumpengnom I think the first reply has what I need, but thanks for the resource.

Looks like you might need to apply scale.


Yes as @Lumpengnom said you have to apply scale on the geometry and as it looks also rotation.

So use Menu → Object → Apply → Rot & Scale

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