Ok…thanks S68
I up again and ready to get back to work. If anybody has some last minute infrastructure and behind the scenes suggestions or ideas, let 'em fly because I’m about ready to get this thing set up.
Ok…thanks S68
I up again and ready to get back to work. If anybody has some last minute infrastructure and behind the scenes suggestions or ideas, let 'em fly because I’m about ready to get this thing set up.
Ya, that’s basically what it is. I’m thinking I’m not gonna make it a requirement to send in tutorials, models, etc… just a request to contribute something to the Blender Integration Effort.
What an awesome (albeit ambitious) idea! I’m still a newbie at most of Blender, and it can be quite a hassle trying to get images out there for community critique and advising. Anything to make the Blenderverse more accessible is a blessing in my book!
The possibilty of free web space to promote Blender sounds like a great idea and I agree with a statement made above that we shouldn’t be spoiled with 50MB right away. Spend the space on those who have earned it be their contributions both here and on your server. I know that I would like to post some of my work and having a free website would motivate me to finish some of the things I have started, but I certainly don’t deserve 50 MB due to my newbie-ness (is that a word?) and lack of ability to help with all but the easiest topics on the boards. Just my 2 cents.
I didn’t know people felt that strongly about the space… What I was thinking, is that I’m going to write the policy that each site/space must have ‘some’ orientation to either blender or linux. How much, I’m not sure, maybe just some decent work, some tips and advice, etc… I don’t mind if people have subject matter that is not pertainable to blender or linux (as long as there is some), however non-topic based (non blender/linux) data must not cause a substantial non-average decrease in the performance of everyone elses space and bandwidth. So if the speed drops because we are all checking out cool pics and animations, thats cool, but is someone has a photo album of their cat or a video of their pet monkey or something that is degrading everybodies elses experience, then it will either be capped with the bandwidth throttler, asked to be removed, or the option of paying for some bandwidth.
So with this said, it would really be just more work to give a little space, then let them earn more. Although it is a good idea. I would just have to track where everbody is at in status, then have a system to know when and how to give more space. I would like to avoid this for a couple reasons, one I’m afraid I would skip over people or leave someone out, two I’m starting my new job in a few weeks and would like to get it set up, automated on my end, and as simple as possible. I will however look into an inter-site competition, in which the reward would be nice recongition on a hight traffic area (ie: main gallery) of the site.
I don’t mind giving it away for free, well, lets just put it in Star Wars terms. We are all a losely held alliance of blender and free software users. The force (creativty) is strong with us, and even though most of us don’t have big fancy weapons (SGI, Maya, etc…) we can still face the challenges, and do so confidently. By providing a central base of logistics and support (the BIE) and and place in which we can regroup and plan (the free space), I think we can make a substantial run at the Empire (the market which usually don’t pay us any attention)… 8)
And no I’m not losing my head…at least that I know! My goal is to form basically an elite group, or special ops, of 3D developers and animators, so that one day, with our collection of metods, programs, and ideas, we would have the capabilities to make such things as cinematic films. I see great potential in what we currently have, but it is all ‘what we currently have’ and will remain so. Every day soemone will post a new picture that will look neat. Then well have a couple so so pics for a week, then a new good…so on. I think we can take all this potential, and work towards a common future goal of an even greater Blender.
Ideas for control panel functions ???
Currently you can select your language of choice, check/send email, setup up mail forwarding, change password, browse files (including edit, delete, upload, download, rename, etc…), anything else anybody can think of? The file browser is java based, so I’m going to try and set up and HTML one that’s only upload, so dialup users won’t have to wait for the java just to upload something.