I want to model a stylized gauntlet, I’ve tried looking for info or tutorials but there is nothing.
I want a method that is quick and easy, I don’t want to sculpt and then retopo and then do this and that. That takes forever. I’m not after photorealism or anything. I’m going stylized.
To start, it would help you and us immensely to know what exactly your end goal is. “Stylized” ranges a broad spectrum from “cel-shaded” to “hand-painted”, and a “stylized gauntlet” is equally as vague. What reference images have you gathered? What do you have in mind?
Sculpting and retopo takes far too long. Modelling the individual plates is a rigging nightmare and this needs to go inside a game engine so I also need to save on polygons.
If your only interest is speed, you’ll save a lot of time by just jumping into Blender, dropping in your reference image and a cube, and start moving verts around
So you are skipping all the learning-how-to-do-it–phase and just want results ?
There are only these options:
pay with money for :
– something what suits your wanted style
– for someone who makes what you want
pay with time ( and sometimes some money for some tools ) :
– to learn all the skills you need to do so
And before someone mentions AI… even if you use the same prompt some days later… it will produce something different because it is continuously “evolving” and you never will be consistent with a “style”… oeven if using “special input” as style guide… which you also have to find in the first place… so:
Dumb. Then I can’t get the design I want. I’m looking for a workflow that prioritizes speed over everything else.
uhm…aren’t u contradicting yourself? if you prioritize speed over everything else…why are you complaining about the “design you want”? so design you want is your first priority, not speed, right?
What are the quick and easy ways to work…
The answer is, I think it’s possible if you have excellent modeling skills.
The need for processes such as Sculpture + Retopology is an efficient way to handle high quality in a short time, but it can also be considered a complex and cumbersome process.
But if you’re good at modeling, you don’t need this process.
Yeah sorry. I am not sure this attitude is gonna get you any real help. There are no real shortcuts to make it fast and great without practicing a lot first.
Personally I’d add a sphere as a blob, sculpt remesh it and then start refining to the desired result.
Then I’d probably ZRemesh/QuadRemesh it if I prioritize speed over clean topology and reproject it (both paid). Then render.
If you need it as a game asset then you don’t want to skip the manual retopo phase. I have not seen any automated solution that gives acceptably optimized AND detailed results for game art.