UpBGE has BPPlayer,
Assets can be seperated into a encrypted archive,
The only python scripts are forced to be GPL, however I give away assets for free that are equivalent, or sometimes superior to base assets provided by ue4 or unity.
(download Manic Mack BGMC from finished games)
Soon after I bake FK, in the new and revised version of the game ( not made in a week)
I should be able to comfortably run 20 agents Ai and 2 or more players.
So if we have PBR, easy to use logic, and protected assets, all your missing is code?
Just pay a coder instead of unity.
The system is as follows.
Interpret multiple input streams vs a dictionary of game commands.
{ “WKEY”: [“UP_P1”, 0, [0,1,0] ] }
{ “Joy_Up”:[ “UP_P1”, 0, [0,1,0] ] }
{“AKEY” : [“LEFT_P1”, 1, [1,0,0] ] }
This is used to build a list
The list is sorted, then the game commands, (if not already on list) are added.
This serializes the data and strips the doubles kicking out a strip like
[“UP”, "LEFT] as a “Move strip”
An Move Strip, And Action strip are piped to a targeted agent or vehicle controller
Agent[“Move”] = “MoveStrip”
Controller system is then 100% proxied, and agents can also be steered by Ai.
Agent controller functions like this,
If not in a acting state, accept input,
Based on action input, potentially call action directly while processing movement, or some actions
Block movement.
Acting States are a strip
[“StateKey”, [dataForState]]
And are called via
Strip = agent[“ActStrip”][0]
State = StateDict[Strip[0]]
Creating a non branching infinite state machine.
Now I can add hundreds of states without introducing branching.
(pythonic hash table of states)
Never mind the graphics (which I love)
Imagine the same game, with AAA PBR models and assets and sprites and animations.
So what is holding you back?
The community views gamelogic like a scientist.
We all share data, making better game logic.
I plan on making it easy to develop using UPBGE, for python coders…
So there is the control part of the system, there is also a game agnostic UI system, a game agnostic Camera controller.
>ps a gameobject may also monitor another gameobjects MoveStrip or actstrip including a camera*