What's the relevance of Eevee?

For my part, I’m excited to get a nice fast viewport, with at least some level of realtime lighting to boot. Even in solid opengl mode, the laggy viewport is a hindrance when editing scenes with even a little complexity, and that’s before you try to pose an armature-driven character with subdivision and whatnot.

So a faster viewport, even if it didn’t look much better, would be amazing. A faster viewport that can also give me many of the benefits of cycles preview render but at a reasonable speed has me salivating in anticipation.

It isn’t going to replace path tracers like cycles. It’s not meant to. But consider that even if it was JUST a viewport overhaul, that would be awesome enough. Quick animation tests, game engine stuff, even quick and dirty final renders for some use cases… That is all tasty gravy.

(posting on mobile; I hope I didn’t miss any embarrassing typos)

why does everyone cringe when people bring up game development with eevee? if the shoe fits I say.
In anycase It makes a lot of sense for eevee to be able to playback scripted animation in realtime…and that, for me, would be good enough…so long as it exported to a playable file…that could be interpeted for use as arch vis walkthroughs, entertainment videos, or yes, even games.

this thread sometimes reminds me of the old Bmesh thread, when people were all being idiots about the need for Ngons(apparently most didn’t need or want them…HA!)…why fight against advancement in blender…some people are just ignorant. I’m probably no different :wink:

Anyone seen any further commits about the AO in eevee?
Anyone know off hand if armory 3d runs under linux?

Anyone seen any further commits about the AO in eevee?

The roadmap says next week. June week 3 Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion (GTAO) (4d)

But they are late. Targets of week 2 have not been done.

That’s not too surprising, because the times given in the roadmap are very ambitious and optimistic. As programmer you usually know that this is the optimum, but if anything does not work as expected, delays are unavoidable.

What’s ground truth AO ? All I find are papers that are beyond my level.

Ground Truth AO? Well that’s an arrogant name if I ever saw one. Especially for an effect that has nothing to do with physical truth. Anybody got a link to the paper? :smiley:

.pdf document

Wait, what? Are you living in an alternate reality or something? Everyone and their mother is excited about game development and Eevee. What the heck are you talking about?

Wait a minute… Maybe you ARE living in an alternate reality! Let me just check: in your world, is Donald Trump the president of the United States?!

Look Justin, I think you’re just going to have to accept that Eevee is just not as exciting for everyone in the exact same way as it is for you. Just like not everyone needs to render with Cycles, not everyone is interested in Game development or Rendering final renders with Eevee. Everyone uses Blender differently and has different needs so, there’s bound to be people who don’t give a damn about what you want and others who are going to be on the exact same page as you.

I just think you’ll be a lot happier once you accept that not everyone is like you or NEEDS to be like you. Right? I think we can all agree with that?

For my needs, I need a platform for animating stylized characters for episodic TV and Movies. Eevee might help me a little in the sense that I’ll see a better “Approximation” of what I’ll see in the final frame. But honestly, for my needs, it’s just not going to reach that level any time soon. And it really doesn’t need to! Nor is that really the goal of Eevee. I totally get that. For the most part Eevee is actually for game engine preview. You’ll be able to render final frame animations as well if that’s what you’re into. But for my needs, I have no interest in that. I do get that some people will be perfectly happy with the output though. As Sterling pointed, there are many situations where this is valid output. Not for me though and that’s perfectly fine.

But lets be perfectly clear here: No one is trying to take away your ability to use Blender as a platform for game development. if anything, you’ve won this round and the developers are only listening to you and you’re kind. So chill out and quit complaining that people are complaining. Not everyone has the same needs as you. And I promise to also not complain anymore as well. :wink:

My initial resistance is just when I read people saying that they will only use Eevee instead of Cycles. And, my (obviously unfounded) fear is that all future render development will go into Eevee instead of Cycles. I’ve obviously thought about it since then and realize that it probebly wouldn’t happen like that. Well, at least I hope not.

I love cycles, blender internal, and glsl nodes.

Evee is just another head on the hydra.

The GE + vive position sensors for mocap and even for sculpting and painting will be a huge deal.

(imagine walking in a streaming world and editing in full pbr with static mesh batching, tesselation etc, and live editing the terrain and saving it, for use in the GE, or unreal, or unity etc.)

I am already ready to get started once evee lands.

They call it “ground truth” because they did an extensive refinement process to meet the quality of path-traced AO. While path-traced AO isn’t perfect, it is a heck of a lot more accurate than most screen-space AO solutions.

“- joey ferwerda announces a hackaton sprint (15+ devs) on openhmd in july.
We then will also setup an official buildbot for binary downloads.”



The Blender community has won, because we are finally going to get a decent viewport with improved performance and amazing functionality. It is an amazing tool that gives you a lot of possibilities and I strongly believe that pretty much everyone is going to find cases where it is useful. The potential that it can increase iteration times, the communication within the team and especially with the people who are not graphical artists is pretty big in my opinion.

Just wanted to say that from what I understand thus far, this engine sounds like a good idea. Eevee kinda feels like a great replacement for Blender Internal to be honest… though of course, it would then have to be able to understand BI materials alongside Cycles ones, which is probably not worth the effort.

First of all I must say that my view is very limited in general, so I speak from my humble point of view, and of my workflow.

In its use as preview during editing, Eevee goes far beyond the needs, while it is useless and even misleading as a preview for a rendering that at last will be performed by another rendering engine.

There are many other improvements that could be made to the viewport, and they have been widely demanded and ignored, such as colored wireframes, or better backface culling on wireframe mode, or custom colored grouping, which would make editing much much easier.
I hope it will not be the only improvement in the 2.8 viewport.

Anyway, Eevee is amazing!


Yeah, it looks pretty good, but it also looks like it’s aiming for something like Marmoset. That’s cute for previews and certainly ok for texture painting, but very meh for actual geometry editing because it relies on actual scene lights that don’t follow the viewport (which BTW also don’t match up with Cycles in intensity).

The Clay render is even worse because it’s actively misleading about the surface normal with its edge and cavity shader, and if you take that away you just get blender’s bad matcaps. More importantly, all the geometry is the same color so you can’t tell what’s what.

Don’t take this as complaining. I’m just saying there’s still a long road ahead.

I think you are over-reacting, just a litttle teensy bit there.

It’s not that bad, the weekly reports say’s he only a tiny bit behind.
Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion (GTAO) is still planned for this week.

I have to agree, considering Eevee’s origins.

Yes. Planar Probe for planar reflections were added, this morning.
Finishing ubershader should not take the whole week.

It looks like roadmap is balanced by alternating of difficult and easy targets. So, for the moment, everything is peachy.

There are many other improvements that could be made to the viewport, and they have been widely demanded and ignored, such as colored wireframes, or better backface culling on wireframe mode, or custom colored grouping, which would make editing much much easier.
I hope it will not be the only improvement in the 2.8 viewport.

The idea is to have overlays by collection.
So, it should not be problematic to give a different wire color to a group of objects.

But previously, you have to handle collections correctly.
Since workspaces merge, it looks like a big work is done on depsgraph.
Manipulators were also added.
So, 2.8 seems to go in all directions. Progress of features is discontinuous. But targets are not abandonned.

The Blender Game Engine has not been in active development for years. Not a single successful commercial project has ever been completed with it in the many years it exists. It’s just not good at anything whatsoever. If the BI couldn’t make a good game with it, with all their knowledgeable programmers and capable artists, I dare say you stand no chance either. Eevee doesn’t change that, it’s just a prettier viewport.

If you want to make games, I recommend you use something small studios actually use in production and that you can get assets, plugins and support for, something that lets you hire people who have some experience with it.

If you need free as in freedom, I suggest Godot. It doesn’t have a huge ecosystem, but real games have actually been completed with it and deployed on a variety of hardware, and it plays very nice with Blender.