Whats wrong with 2.49?

Does anyone know whats wrong with 2.49 for mac? Every time i use it, it glitches. I would post an attachment but I’m not allowed to for some reason. I have tried it on both Snow Leopard (10.6) and Lion (10.7), it is MUCH worse on Lion.

Does anyone have a solution?

I have 2.63 but I am working on a project that I can’t transfer over.

I have a solution you’ll hate: bootCamp and linux/windows. Is that realistic ?
I don’t have a mac to test 2.49 on, but AFAIK it works OK on recent windows versions.

As far as I know you SHOULD be able to use it relatively bug-free but I don’t know much about 2.49 and I know even less about working on a Mac :stuck_out_tongue:

Glitches like how?

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may I ask… why are you using blender 2.49? 0_o

Does anyone know whats wrong with 2.49 for mac?

One thing that comes to mind: It hasn’t been updated in three years.
I’d guess you are using a Mac with crappy Intel graphics, those are known to cause glitches. Please be more specific on what hardware you are using. The only solution I can think of: Get a different Mac. Also: Are you really sure that your project cannot be transferred over?

I have 2.63 but I am working on a project that I can’t transfer over.

As has been said give your system spec. I personally don’t see any issues running 2.49 and don’t see any difference running in SL vs Lion

Processor 2.5 GHz intel COre i5
Memory 4 gb 1600 Mhz DDR3

Its an off the shelf low end Mac Book pro

heres the glitch

this is on lion. the ones on snow leopard are similar but less sever.

Almost certainly the graphics driver.

Mine does that too. (The first photo)
But I have windows 7 and it’s only on one computer.
There might be hope for you though.
Things to consider:

Try re-instaling blender
Update your computer/processor drivers (if any)
See if this happens on other computers as well
Run a diagnosis on your computer to see if it was the computers fault and not yours.
Try a different bit size (64, 32) I once had to use a 32 bit version of blender (2.50), on a 64 bit system. And vice versa.
Try seeing if anyone else has this problem online. They also might be able to help.

Also, a glitch happens in a different way. Just because someone elses glitch looks different than yours, doesn’t what they did to solve won’t work. If someone found a glitch and fixed it, try using that same solution too.

I hope that helps. :smiley:

either a video memory misallocation or some sort of driver error incompatability. Integrated graphics chipsets were notoriously bad at in this respect

does anyone know how to fix it