What's wrong with Blender loop selection that this have to exist to fix what should have worked?

What is so wrong with Blender loop selection that tools like this have to exist to fix what should have just worked ?

Thereā€™s nothing ā€œwrongā€ with Blenderā€™s loop selection. It just uses a conservative (but completely logical and reliable) algorithm.

FYIā€¦this isnā€™t just in Blender.

Iā€™ll bet 2 things:

  1. That QOL Tools addon might be quite useful
  2. It wonā€™t always give you what is desired. It will have unpredictable results. DCCs avoid tools w/unpredictable results.

Hmm, not quiteā€¦ in c4d this is actually an option of the loop selection toolā€¦ so itā€™s up to you if you want it to stop at poles or notā€¦



The default behavior in c4d ā€“ the conservative setting ā€“ was ā€˜stop at polesā€™. Certainly for the first twenty versions of c4d.

Was Maxon ā€œwrongā€ all those years?

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How do you think it is determinable (technical term) in every possible case that what you think is the loop you want to follow would be selected ? Think about a loop which do fork in two directions and both have the same angle.
So if you pay for a software then there should be some more sophisticated tool. How much did you spend for the blender foundation?

Or just compare:

(I also guess you never programed.)

The problem is not the problem.
The problem is your attitude about the problem.
ā€“ Jack Sparrow :pirate_flag:


Sure there is nothing is wrong with that behaviour. It was just that your example was not fitting.

But stopping there is a topological decision and perfectly right. Continuing means its no longer baesd on an unique assignment.

But its nice to have the option to let the algorithm make some additional guesses about what you may want. So that C4D offers it as option is just nice. Regarding the initial post, DONT feed the troll. :wink:

Still mostly new to the forum. Iā€™m learning. :slight_smile:

Will make note to self: donā€™t feed Bracerā€¦or those similar.

Asking a question is trolling ? Isnā€™t this a form of bullying ?

Are you saying I am a troll for asking a question @Debuk and @anon54245308 ?

Well how do you explain the existence of the add-on then if it is all so ā€œmysticalā€ and that maxon have also improved on @Okidoki?
Are you saying you are the arbiter for what is not to be possible ? I am just asking a question with a link to an actual useful add-on.
This onslaught of fanboyish hate is ridiculous.

So one cannot ask questions if one didnā€™t contribute (which I have but that was not the point) ?
This is like fanboy level ā€œdonā€™t insult my software, how dare you ask a question !ā€ insanity.

Well you guessed wrongā€¦again for the second time but again, not the point.
The table flip gesture, the vitriolic statements for asking a question, noticed I asked ONE question and All the hate start coming inā€¦like what is this ? Some kind of cult ?
Dude I am out of this topic manā€¦so much hate for a questionā€¦this is ridiculousā€¦gosh.

I donā€™t remember this forum being like this even just a few years ago.

Let me step in here before the conversation starts to get [more] personal.

@anon62435837 itā€™s not the question. Itā€™s how the question was asked, implying that something is broken. Perhaps if you took a less aggressive tone, youā€™d have more friendly responses. Also you posted in the wrong category; Iā€™ve fixed that for you.

@Okidoki Itā€™s probably not a great idea to make assumptions about other forum members like you have. Just stick to the discussion.

The question itself has actually been answered. The current behavior is not wrong, but the add-on is in fact an enhancement. An add-on was created by someone in the community to provide this enhancement. While it wouldā€™ve been nicer if the add-on creator made a patch and sent it upstream, itā€™s possible that this person doesnā€™t have the experience with C to write such a patch. Or perhaps a patch was written, but didnā€™t get through the review process for one reason or another. Also, selling an add-on is certainly more lucrative and is a faster way to get the feature in the hands of Blender users.

Whatever the reason, this enhancement is now available to the community. And, if the means by which it does this proves to be stable, maybe some enterprising individual will take it upon themselves to port the feature to C and submit a patch. It could even be you.


Thank you @Fweeb .

I made an assumptionā€¦ yes. And i said i guessā€¦ after i tried to explain that this is not as easy as it may be seen and comparing the financial.
But also i think that using words like whatā€™s wrong, have to, should have, and also making assumptions about the hatefulness of my posts while trying to give an answer ( ā† doesnā€™t seem to be interested in one ??) or the fanboyism-conspiracy (???) and also complaining about asking a question while oneself doing this mutliple timesā€¦ speaks for itself.

@anon62435837, I understand your frustration in many aspects and we certainly admire your passion for Blender. The problem lies in the tone you give to your questions that makes them sound like unreasonable criticism and not real questions.

I know thatā€™s not your intention, but you surely also know that there are others with very similar behavior that donā€™t share the same passion for Blender as you and it would be a shame to be interpreted as one of those if you are not one of them.

You must understand that the same passion you have, others here have too and may not see that tone as innocent. Iā€™m not saying it was not, but you certainly need to measure better the words you use.

Iā€™m not saying this to make you feel bad or feel bullied, but because I have many times avoided answering your questions because of the tone you use and that confuses me as much as I believe it confuses others and I think itā€™s a shame to be seen this way when you obviously care.


To me itā€™s not much about right or wrong, itā€™s more about expectations, specially if you used other 3d softwareā€¦
I mean, you would expect to be able to do basic stuff like this :point_down: out of the box (without addons/workarounds), right? :wink:



I have noticed you enjoy promoting Maxon products on this forum, and criticizing Blender. Your freedom. Your choice.

I used c4d professionally for 12 years. Donā€™t miss it even a little. I will concede that c4d might have slightly better selection tools. No one product does everything great. Iā€™m faster and more adept in modeling and UVing than I ever was in my long stretch using c4d.

And I know dozens of my peers who also have left c4d, including two of the most elite modelers in the world, who have embraced Blender.

Anyways, I wonā€™t have anything more to say in this thread. Cheers.

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You miss the point, againā€¦
Good luckā€¦

specially if you used other 3d softwareā€¦

If so then perhaps, but outside of that, perhaps not so much. Certainly Iā€™d like to have something convenient, but unless Iā€™m specifically migrating from that one specific tool, I wouldnā€™t necessarily be looking for that exact UX interaction.

And conversely as a new artist who is just starting, no previous experience with other tools, Iā€™d not even know what Iā€™d want or what to look for. But certainly still something of convenience to be sure.

Well i think: If this isā€¦

ā€¦then this is the problem (that also was my intention with mentioning determinism and Jack). If you look at:

ā€¦then someone can see:
the stricter definition is also easier to implement (to program)ā€¦ itā€™s something like:

   follow the edges of the selected one
} until (it's not so easy to determ the possibilities)

ā€¦and thatā€™s itā€¦ if there are decisions to make then this isā€™t such a simple algorithm. Then there has to be taken into account:

  • is there a smaller angle where the edge might flow ( ā† this has to be specified too in a determined manner; additional computation is needed; no garantee that this is the path someone wants) or
  • following a specific edge would build up an edge loop, but you donā€™t know while adding the first one (technical term: back trackingā€¦ more complex to program)

So going further down this road this simple needs more programing and this needs more work to do and this needs more payment and this needs (you guessed it ) more moneyā€¦

Yes itā€™s simple as that:

A multi million dollar company which is capable of buying the leading industry standard app for sculpting (and/or the complete company ?!) can do this much more easy than an app carried by a foundation.

So in the end if someone really needs this you have to pay:

  • time or
  • money
  • sometimes: both


I also think this discussion would be ā€œdifferentā€ if the question would be something like:
ā€œIs there a more advanced method to select a more advanced edge flow?ā€

(While is was typing: ā€¦)

Yes of course: we want thatā€¦ but as i said: the initial question wasnā€™t ā€œDo we need / Is there a better wayā€¦ā€

But now this is more like: my gadget is more shiny than yoursā€¦ but my has more colors thanā€¦ and for mine a spend a fortuneā€¦ and there are some gadgets which do send light beams into outer space (???)


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Actually in this case itā€™s not about UX interaction, itā€™s about the feature itselfā€¦
In blender you canā€™t perform a loopcut in a mesh with such ā€œtriangle fanā€ topologyā€¦ pretty sure thereā€™s an explanation for this, but thatā€™s not how most 3d software workā€¦

Same goes for that simple edge extrusion in the bottom imageā€¦ one would expect it to just work like most 3d software out there, but apparently you need an addon for thatā€¦

So, unexpected algorithms, I guessā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face: