what's wrong with my topology

hi guys please just make your point about the topology of the model.

nothing really. except maybe that wierd half loop around the top lip but everything else looks ok

It depends on what you want to do with that topology… Do you have a clear goal?
It’s not the same a topology for sculpting in zbrush, than a topology for low poly with baked normal maps, than one for low poly without baked normal maps, than a topology for a character with morphs using subdivision modifier…

It doesn’t look you have that clear. I recommend you to study topologies considering the cases and the purposes. You will see lots of differences and understand the whys.

I agree with Small Troll 100% the only thing your mesh is lacking is a good shape. My technique is to get the topology laid out (as you have done) then take it over to sculpt mode and start pushing it around till it looks good. BTW…if your running 2.66 or later, don’t use dynamic topology while sculpting, it will wreak havok on this meshes topology. :slight_smile:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c248/ASNZern/Topology01.jpg this is the face topolgy example I use, there’s several references out there if you look it up, basically its all about how the edge loops flow. Whats making your face topology look kind of strange is that 2 of the most important facial features the eyes and mouth are not correct, and your nose could be better by making a loop around the nostral. Have you checked out Jonathan Williamson’s topology course on blender cookie, its available free it may have some great tips for you, I know when i watch his stuff I end up learning something.
Edit: btw its really easy to make more of a mess in sculpt mode around open eyes and mouth , really any open geometry, just beware of that,

“Have you checked out Jonathan Williamson’s topology course on blender cookie”
yes i have.
