What's wrong with the Flash format?

Very good and valid points. Flash also is a development platform, which many commenting on it as an animation format don’t know about. But with AJAX spreading around, it’s one less reason to use Flash.

In short, it has its uses but Adobe will need to get a few hard decisions right in order to really establish it as a “platform” like they want to. Else it will simply stay as a tool for interactive/animated websites, for which it can do a good enough job.

What is there in quality ? One format or the other can have crap or gold, :confused: . There are way s to hide a play bar in quicktime on a site to just look like an animated window. Swf is mainly best for vectors and clean design.

But what is the argument in this entire post anyway ? It’s not like it’s going anywhere. Nor do any of these wants and needs post go anywhere.

A valid question. To define quality you define needs first.

This thread used to be about using flash to distribute training materials. As such, if you goal is to do video tutorials, it is far from being the best (in both quality of image, size and ease of redistribution).

Exactly, vector based imaged is the strong point here. You’ll have to explain what “clean design” is though.


I would like to see SVG advance further myself.

As for Flash, it seems OK to me.
I like the new slew of video tutorials as long as I have the tools to play them and that includes Flash.

As for making video tutorials? Never done that - so I’m not sure of the advantages/disadvantages of Flash in that area.


Eh clean design, thats for the designer to deside I guess. a coment to vague from me, please disregard.

As for video, people just use Avi and mov no weird wmv xvid AND NEVER EVER real player. Use simple universal formats and we wont have to have these long discussions.