What's your primary language?

So, now I know who are the other two (of you, Kino, I remembered…), and with Craving we are five…

Mmm… which is the critical mass to ask for a ‘Italian User Forum’ like the Dutch and French already there?

Boohooo!!! :frowning: I am alone!!! :frowning:

Isn’t there anyone else Greek???

I feel lonely…

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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-.- -… -… -… --. .-.

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  • … . .-. . …


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— …-.

“-.-. — -… . .-. …”

… . .-. .

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I don’t know. Enough people so you don’t always talk with the same one and only person or somethin like this.


Where is the choice for American? (who says we’re self centered?)

When I first read that message Italian wasn’t an option :slight_smile:

So, now I know who are the other two (of you, Kino, I remembered…), and with Craving we are five…

Mmm… which is the critical mass to ask for a ‘Italian User Forum’ like the Dutch and French already there?[/quote]

i know 3 maybe 4 others, 9 is a critical mass :-? :wink:
maybe we can have other 10 after the opening.

any plan for a internationalization project?


me of course speako “argentinian” which ressembles very much “spañol”… :slight_smile:

Blenderian me good at too :stuck_out_tongue:

malefico (blenderian: CTRL+X)

Hey, where is Dutch? are my eyes fuzzy? or did you forget Blender’s homeland?

Hehe, now that’s an interesting discussion;)



Ciao a tutti … Andrea

On est que deux parlant la langue de Molière à avoir voté, pourtant on a un usergroup rien qu’a nous quand même! Theeth motive les troupes!

Hey Malefico…that means i speak puertorriqueño? :wink: which ressembles very much spañol too! he he! :smiley: te veo amigo!

et hop, un autre piti français!
Apparemment, theeth parle français?!
m’enfin, vous inquiétez pas les gars, on est plein de français, suffit qu’ils passent par là et ils vous le diront, enfin, suffit que… :smiley:


hey oui, je parle français (bien que j’ai voté pour “binary” mwahahahaha)! :slight_smile:


Inih kiti hu’a hal kan.

Mayan, of course.

Italy …proge


You rememberd Norwegian :smiley:
Only one wote for it, not a big suprise there

eh!! je voudrais aussi un group en allemand. c’est pas toujous simple de écrire en englais ou fran#ais… ;)…

mais j’attandrais ma vie pour avoir un group en swiss allemand… 8)


Primary language is Finnish, although I am Dutch (so mother tongue is Dutch), so I had to vote for Finnish… btw. to show a bit of, (natural) languages I speak and study:

  • Finnish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • German
  • Udmurt
  • Bengali
  • Lithuanian
  • ancient Greek

Oli pakko pistää ääneni tuonne Suomen puolelle :smiley: Tää suomen kieli on kauneimpia kieliä mitä olen nähnyt/opiskellut.

Tja, Ik moest gewoon voor Fins stemmen, ondanks dat ik Nederlander ben… Fins is gewoon een van de mooiste talen die ik tot nu toe ben tegen gekomen/heb gestudeerd.

ancient Greek eeehhhh???

Hmmmm!!! Although I still feel lonely, I think that’s an improvement to my situation here…

[text=greeklish]Kalin imera jesterking (have a nice day jesterking…)!!! :smiley:
