Guys help with the problem. When the display normals texture flies Blender. Already tried a lot of things do not help anyone knows anything about this problem? And flies only in the material!
Version 2.73a, before shaking his daily assemblies today rocked version 2.60 which was stable at all times. Now I sit with the new Windows finally sit still reinstalled tried the same thing !!! Now I am sure that the case file in an internal conflict will look because of what can be?
Sending PM to not spam the forum with native speech.
exuse me i new member. I cannot understand what you mean
Я сообщение в личку отправил. Ничего не могу разобрать в посте Форум-то английский, по-нашему лучше тут особо не расписываться, чтобы людям не обидно было.
I’ve sent you a private message. Can’t understand anything in your post It’s an English-speaking forum, so it’s better we don’t talk in our language here, to not offend people.
The problem turned out to be this:
Can anybody else on Windows 8.1 try and reproduce?
Can’t confirm the issue (never mind the system info im my signature - that’s my main system). Tested on:
Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Blender 2.73a official
Intel Core i5 M430
AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series
Might be a graphics driver issue?
Thanks, IkariShinji!
Unknown yet, Anthony is asking for more input, we’ll try to provide. It looks awfully similar to that other issue I linked there, and indeed all three machines seem to have the nVidia ‘m’ GPU. Might be something there…