Hi, I was about to render an animation but when I rendered it, it didn’t render the lights in the animation I’ve search everywhere but can’t find the solution for it (though a lot of people have had the same problem I tried the solutions that worked for them but it didn’t work out). I’m not sure what to do so I turned to ask for some help from all of you.
unfortunately we don’t have any technical settings from you. Best would be if you provide a blend file so we can check it out.
Here is the .blend file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDJFmPRxrzPjZS1gOoxKwYYHKoFqaQH6/view?usp=sharing
Note: If doesn’t work tell me and I’ll post a new one.
Sign in… to continue to Google Drive…
Anyway: What similar problems and solutions you have re-search for this ?? (Except chekking enabled for render )
Also ther is a limit; see also Docs-Blender Manual: eevee limitations light/light-probes … ( sometimes this is said for “all” lights but in the docs only for light probes… didn’t used that many myself anyway… )
Yes it’s on. I just checked it.
Sorry, I’m not signing into google to download a mystery file from the internet; open download for the file should be enabled.
(And yes, I did try to DL it yesterday to assist. Saw the sign in requirement, and decided “ok, guess we’re done here.”)
Yes unfortunately there are still some members asking for help that are using the Google sign in for a link. I usually refuse. There are other free apps for file transfer out there.
Now you shouldn’t need to sign in I opened it to everyone sorry about the inconvenience. Really sorry about that.
Is it ok if you could tell me some apps like that pls.
Again really sorry about that I didn’t know.
I use : WeTransfer its free and the link is sent to your email if you add the email to both yours and the recipient.
Thank you I use it next time
No problem. your link works now.
My guess is that the size of your scene is too large to show the lights?
If you use sun light it shows.
Yeep the bed seems to be 200m width… and the lamps have 1MW… Mega Watt !!!
Maybe you tried to make them visible with this ? But you may have to check your shader setup in generel because this is what i see of the bed lamps when i change the shader to a simple diffuse one…
What should I do to fix it?
That wasn’t what I was going for that’s why I didn’t use any environment textures.
Can’t I make the lights stronger?
Well… why do you have this setup… did it work somewhere else ?? There has to be a reasons for this… maybe you fiddle already with it and it is not your initial setup ?? IDK
Usually when one starts to build up any scene beginning with some blockout and also some initial lighting and camera positioning one developes this over time. So one does have previuos version which do worked. Maybe one does choose a setting which gives problems and one has to compare with the working previous one.
…but you didn’t wrote anything about this and only presented a (really) big scene where one has a lot of search and discover work to do.
You also didn’t mentioned what:
includes and what you tried.
In other terms (not in a accusing way but more analyesing the problem ): you did a inappropriate job and now you want the community to solve this ?
The shader setup doesn’t seem to show the light… as my example of using a simple Diffuse BSDF for the lampshade ( ← maybe this wasn’t clear… it’s not the shader of the light; it’s the material ) does show. And i asume the other shaders are similar… but that’s too much to look after for some “stranger”… so you have to check this maybe in a simpler scene.
Again: you are already using 1 Mega Watt !!! So why should more work ?