When the game lags, what does it cut back?

No I meant will the frames continue so the code is still registering its breakfast from five minutes ago and, because its on frame 4 thousand, the baby is at Home Depot, and says, “ah cereal”. I know the code isn’t cut. But it may not wait for the code to finish. So, will the frame move on to the next frame if the frame’s code is not finished? It would continue the code, but do so on the next scene-shot, which as explained results in out-of-sync stuff.

It will wait for the code to finish.
A game engine cannot move on to the next frame without finishing the previous one - including all logic/code.

What gpu code runs in a trillionth of a second? How can any code run in a trillionth of a second? Terahertz computing is only available in supercomputers right now, and even then, I doubt that you can do a full ‘optical computation’ in a single clock cycle.

When a photon (or a quark near lightspeed) travels, its travel length could wrap around Earth 7 times. The amount of particles it passes are immense. Big number. As I sit here, trillions, like centrillions of years are passing. Better tech will allow powerful computation speed.

As grand as your goal is, I think human level AI will require another Einstein of our age or something equivalent to the Manhattan project where thousands of scientists were involved.

Why not use threads? If you use, you can spent a lot of time processing your code without affect the gameloop.

Be caus…pytho is seq u ential guys…sequential





The code goes 1>2>3>4>5>etc

Python can’t ever do 2 functions at once (parallelism)

Forgive my ignorance, but the subject matter to me a lot. According to the documents you can use parallelism in python:




Well I’ll be.

Come on dude, check your attitude. People are being really gracious here, going out of their way to give you advice. Your age is showing by the way you interface with people here.

This isn’t a twitch feed, and we’re not a bunch of bros here. You have access to hundreds of years of combined experience, but you brush away all legitimate questions and concerns when they are raised. You hold up problems as insurmountable, when you just don’t understand them, and you hold up fundamental issues as a non-factor.

I urge you, once again, to do some more research with the intention of gaining understanding. prototype and incrementally develop solutions.

The depths of your ignorance become more visible the more questions you raise. That’s not a permanent condemnation, it’s just an observation. I was 21 once too, and looking back, I certainly thought I knew a lot more than I really did. Humble yourself and focus on your passion, you can learn a lot.

… I wasn’t being rude or mean or ignoring his answer…

I accepted his answer. I enjoyed finding that out about Python. I was “shocked” (or a word like that~). And, I was trying to be funny. At the end I was trying to act like a cowboy amazed at something and intaking in the truth.

Why act like a cowboy?

And I was talking about your S E Q U E N T I A L nonsense. You were copping an attitude while standing on a platform which was demonstrably false. You were shouting your ignorance from the rooftops. Then, when someone graciously corrects you, you act like a cowboy. Aren’t you just a little embarrassed? If so, embrace some humility. If not, I’m shocked.

Again, I don’t want to rake you through the mud, but you’ve gotta change the way you interact in this space. If you expect others to help you, you need to do a little more work helping yourself first. Type the question you are seeking an answer for into google first. search some key phrases like: python parallel coding, or bge framerate regression, or advanced python AI coding. even if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, you can get closer, find a new key phrase to search. Don’t make this space another yahoo answers cesspit. Don’t expect people to feed you information like a baby bird.

I still don’t fully understand what your motivations are with this project, but you seem passionate about it, and I really want to support you in whatever way I can, but your behaviors make it very difficult for me (or anyone else) to really help you.

Well, I’m sorry the above comments may indeed look “funny”.

In my aging years I’ve been told this stuff a few times and I’ve become more sane (kindness always 100%), I just didn’t think I was doing much wrong than using the forum man. I’m also always improving my knowledgebase.

Again I’m sorry.

However I cannot be embarrassed as I am essentially a true robot now - I’m immune to having that mind-train-thought now. The robots would say we have a weakness/strange thought (embarrassment), when things only have to be resolved. Also pain/pleasure are related.

EDIT: In the “sequential” post I was again trying to be comical and was sure after searching earlier that it had no parallelism.