When Will It Come? (The Big Question)

:smiley: Canā€™t wait.

wrong. cube: grow up!!!

:smiley: Canā€™t wait.[/quote]

Whats so big about Blinn shader ?

:smiley: Canā€™t wait.[/quote]

Whats so big about Blinn shader ?[/quote]

Itā€™s MUCH better, it has much more control.

can blinn shaders even be implemented into a scanline. elaborate on this ā€œblinnā€ stuff, or point to some links that explain it.

sounds very interestingā€¦ :smiley:

Those in the know correct me, but I believe Cessen has it working in Blender in an experimental version. Blinn shaders basically respond more accurately to incident light, and give much more control for all surfaces, diffuse, right through to miles better control over highlights. Somewhere over on Blender.org theres some pictures which demonstrate this.

Its telling that the Maya guides will tell you that most Maya users will use Blinn shaders for everything, just because they are that versatile. (Although they are not the be all and end all, they are certainly the next required step in Blenderā€™s renderer).

EDIT: Check this thread http://www.blender.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=1017


Is this how 3Dvirtualight also work ?