Where are the Edit Buttons and Context Buttons?

I am attempting to do the Welcome to Blender! beginner tutorial

I can’t find the Edit Buttons or the Context Buttons.
This is a screenshot of where I’m at. Can someone tell me where these buttons are?

A link to the tutorial would be nice. Or a quote where the buttons are described.

best regards,

There is tools for edit mode t key. Do you want a list of hot keys? e for extrude and such ? There are tools under the button mesh


Go to the Edit Buttons (Press the http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/4/45/BSoD-ItCA-setup-05.jpg context button in the Buttons Window, or press F9).


I’m having trouble posting here with url and quote from Web site that has the Welcome to Blender! tutorial.

The core of the issue is that you’re following documentation for a much older version of Blender. The entire Buttons window has now been replaced with what’s known as the Properties Editor. If you want to stick with the wiki, I suggest you start with the User Manual for 2.6x.

Oh, thanks. Do you know of Blender 2.6 tutorials like the wiki one. (ie making something as it’s teaching)?