Where did the SSS color go? And Why?

Why was the SSS color removed from the principal shader on Blender 4? Also, Where should I plug my SSS color map in these shader now?

In the Principled BSDF, there’s no more Color for the SSS. It uses the base color and radius to adjust the SSS, according to the docs.

There’s also a SubSurface Scattering node, but I’m not familiar enough with it to know how to combine it with the Principled BSDF.

I think it was discussed elsewhere (devtalk?) as to why it was changed, and another user can tell more about it.

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Thanks for the reply. It must have a purpose. I just don’t get it right now. I noticed that something looked off when opening a 3.6 scene on Blender 4. Anyways thanks again for help.

One of the devs said something along the lines of the subsurface color value not being anything special. Behind the scenes it was just mixed with the base color according to the subsurface slider value. The same can be done with a color mix node.


Awesome, Thanks for the reply.

I’d recommend the videos of Christopher 3D on Youtube.
He has several of them explaining in detail the shader changes in Cycles from 3.6 to 4.0 and he goes deep into it.


:muscle: thanks a lot

I thought too,that its a problem to not have a SSS color if you want to render alien or reptile skin.But the SSS with the Random walk (skin) mode works very well.
Blender alpha 4.1.0

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That is because the skin version is already tinted to a reddish skin tone.
Take a look at the radius. It represents color values like RGB.