Where i can get nongeometrical details

where i can getn non geometrical datails like a tree

What is “nongeometrical details”?

details which have not that strict thin form.

Maybe if you write full sentences then someone may get the meaning of it. Even if not in totally correct english. Something like this is difficult to understand and may lead to people just ignoring you at all.

The type of a meteorit not type a circle/

We are mostly ordinary people and do not have any xmen capabilities… like mind reading based on some letters not even written by hand on paper…


You are a (poorly written / trained) chatbot ??


If you want to add details without modeling them as a geometry, you have to add them through a texture.
If you use texture through a displace modifier, that is displacing geometry : that sill be geometrical details.
If you use a texture inside a material, that may not be geometry : that may be painted details.
But it may be more efficient to model details in order to be able to generate a normal map texture from them.
A displacement map texture looks better, but that are geometrical details.

This is very cryptic so far, I can’t make sense of what you’re asking. What about some context ? what are you trying to make ? is it a tree specifically ?

The basic answer is by modeling and not just adding primitives.
Perhaps better just google yourself what particularly interests you.