Where in the heck is my Modifier Tab?

I am trying to smooth a sphere and a torus. I have a .png image I am supposed to duplicate, but these two shapes are giving me a faceted surface. Previously, I was able to smooth it some (I believe it was with a “smooth” button). I’ve spent days searching Google with no luck.

Many of the commands and hot-keys don’t seem to work. I believe this is because I am using a MacBook Pro (laptop with no number pad). I’ve already swapped my Magic Mouse for a standard one with three buttons and scroll wheel.

I’ve seen instructions that say to click on the Modifier Tab (wrench), but I don’t see it.

I know this program has a steep learning curve, but I feel like most every tutorial gives me instructions that don’t seem to work. I am crazy?



I’ve seen instructions that say to click on the Modifier Tab (wrench), but I don’t see it.

Default blender view

I was able to smooth it some (I believe it was with a “smooth” button). I’ve spent days searching Google with no luck.

Smooth has more than one meaning. There is the smooth modifier which changes the shape of the object (Also W / smooth in edit mode), there is the smooth shading button in the toolshelf (shortcut T and in object mode) which just changes the visual appearance, not the shape of the mesh

Many of the commands and hot-keys don’t seem to work. I believe this is because I am using a MacBook Pro (laptop with no number pad).
User preferences / Input, Emulate Numpad. You should see no significant issues using a Macbook

Thanks Richard, emulating the number pad should help a bunch.

The wrench button is not shown in my row of buttons. Any ideas?


I figured it out. The sphere was a metaball. When I insert a UVsphere and select it, I get the Modifier button.