It seems I did noting in that day, blender just deleted all my work for that day.
I have these 3 files created by blender.
NONE of them are working. When I tried to open them, They are in the same stage of work as in the 2nd image. Recovering last session and Autosave are also not helping. Am mad af.
Hi, try this; go to file> Recovered > Autosave, and find the file that you worked on by date.
Just read the end of your post. make sure you are selecting the armature/controls.
I am not sure but this could be a clue:
Your worked for ten hours and just saved over your original file… didn’t saved any inbetween steps for easy going back… so you didn’t noticed that there are no Medivial-Castle.blend2 to Medivial-Castle.blend10 files… or better something like Medivial-Castle-02.blend to Medivial-Castle-13.blend… ???
Wait… ..blend1 and ..blend11
It seems to be that you opened a .blend1 file directly in blender… those are the backup file which usually aren’t associated with blender… (but your’s are? but not ..blend11) … They are for backup and should be copied to something like AnOtherName.blendif you really need them
Then i guesss you learned the IT-saying “save often and check you saved files” the hard way.
I’m sorry but What do u mean by saying “selecting the armature/controls”?
also, that star sign will appear when you make change in your file. it’ll disappear once u save.
Once I Saved my original file, Blender created myfile.BLEND1 for back-up.
But please pay attention here:
Just right now, I opened, made some changes in OG file and after saved and closed. Windows or blender (idk) Automatically selected my back-up file.
The same happened when I opened and worked for 10 hours. I JUST dont know that it was back up file and, if it was selected, I psychologically thought that that I was working on in this file.