Where to find x-ray button in blender 2.5? [Solved]

Where can I find the x-ray button in Blender 2.5 to show objects in other objects?

Where can I find the x-ray button in Blender 2.5 to show objects in other objects?

Should be under ‘Display’ in the Object properties.

I can’t find it there in 2.5

Also if I hit the spacebar en enter x-ray there is no match found.

Such properties tools are never in the search function.

This random image also shows the xray (NOT the yellow arrow)

Thanks a lot, I was completely looking at the wrong place.

As a Dutch Civil Engineer, I must ask you what the relation is between the quote “Never put your finger in a dyke” and somebody from Singapore :slight_smile:

As a Dutch Civil Engineer, I must ask you what the relation is between the quote “Never put your finger in a dyke” and somebody from Singapore :slight_smile:

Simply because Singapore doesn’t make a Dutchman any less dutch :wink: