A question for the material wizards:
Which faux glass node setup is more effective for convincing but fast-rendering Cycles glass?
A question for the material wizards:
Which faux glass node setup is more effective for convincing but fast-rendering Cycles glass?
so basically, the only difference is reflection ray vs shadow ray?
And the Math node operator: Add vs Maximum.
You need to expand the question.
What application is it for. The solution for a glass vase with transparent shadows is different to that for architectural glass panels for the side of a building for example.
No single solution is the best - it depends on the application.
For architectural glass panels for example (particularly for windows) I probably wouldn’t use the glass shader at all, preferring instead to have a Fresnel mix of glossy and transparent shaders.
If I wanted coloured glass, but with white reflections (as it should be for a dielectric material), i’d use a Fresnel mix of refraction and glossy (the glass shader alone in this application would colour the reflections red as well - which is not physically accurate).
Interesting, thanks for your insights!
I’m looking for the best balance between convincing, realistic glass properties and rendering speed (less noise).
for best results, learn glassblowing
Maybe I should mark that as the solution.
I use single pane (one sided geometry) for all my window type glass. Always starts out like this:
I think that moony’s first response was on point, at least with regards to architecture. Basically, "what is the minimum that’s needed to persuade you that “a piece of glass is there?” You see – some kind of reflection, and some amount of reduction in the hue-and-saturation in the objects that are immediately “behind” the glass. As soon as you get anything that’s "convincing enough," stop. You don’t need to simulate actual glass – at least, not in this case.