Which graphic tablet for blender

hello! i am completely new at this and need some help :slight_smile: i would like to do small Movies with blender, both in 3d (sculpting etc) and in drawing so to speak, but i really dont know what type of graphic tablet i should get, cuz i feel like using the mouse would be difficult o.O ive Heard about wacom and their bamboo or intuos, are those recomended? ive also Heard about some sort of ball that u can navigate with?
if you have any tips or recomendations, i am listening! :slight_smile: lol

You’ll be using a mouse for most things in blender, but when it comes to tablets it doesn’t really matter that much. Wacom is the biggest, but there are other bands which are less expensive that people also like which are compatible with blender. Whether a trackball mouse is suitable for you is personal preference.

hmm, okey. does it matter if u have a tablet where u draw on the tablaet while looking at the computer screen, or a tablet u look directly at? hope u understand what i mean.

Tablets with built-in screens like the Wacom Cintiq a significantly more expensive, but definitely a worthwhile upgrade if you find yourself doing a lot of tablet work.

Honestly I wouldn’t recommend jumping into a tablet until you’ve spent some time in blender and know whether you actually need it. It doesn’t cost anything to learn the basics. Don’t dump a lot of money into things until you have tried it out and have a clearer idea exactly what you need.

Hi Rozie, you mentioned that you’d like to do sculpting in Blender. A graphics tablet will be a great help with that.

If you’ve never used a tablet before and can’t get access to one to try (through school/college/friends etc) I’d recommend buying he cheapest you can - not necessarily a Wacom. That way you’re not spending a lot on something you ‘might’ use, and if you find that you would like to progress - you can get a better tablet later.

The monitor-in-tablet options like the Wacom Cintiq are quite an investment so wait until you get a feel for the process before looking at anything like that. Maybe try drawing with a stylus on a tablet device like an iPad - see how that feels?

If you can draw - there’s a good chance that using a tablet in Blender would be beneficial for you. I’ve been using a tablet to draw with for almost 20 years and I love it. :slight_smile:

oh thank u guys! Do u Think the size of the tablets matter? For ex the wacoms, they have small and medium ones, and many say the medium is better but i dont quite get why, having a smaller tablet wouldnt mean u have to draw a smaller drawing right?
But whatever i do, ill start with something cheap and work my way up! thx again! ^^

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If you’re just starting out - size really won’t matter. With a smaller tablet you’re drawing from the wrist or elbow - with a larger tablet you can draw from the shoulder, which is better for more descriptive artistic strokes! Best of luck with it Rozie, and be sure to post your work here. :slight_smile:

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I have a wacom intuos, a slightly older model, but it’s a small one. Cost me around £50 5 or 6 years ago. It serves it’s purpose. For Blender, I’ve not used it a great deal, a little sculpting and stuff, but I mainly use it in Photoshop for painting and stuff.

If you’re new, a small, inexpensive tablet will be the smart thing to start with. Tablets with screens are great, but cost upwards of £300 and go into the thousands. I would get a branded tablet though, some of the smaller brand really cheap ones don’t work too well. Wacom or Huion I’d recommend. Huion are newer and cheaper, but pretty good quality by what I know. Start small, and if after a year or 2 you’re using it an increasing amount, and you love it, then consider upgrading to something more substantial.

Using a tablet can be a little janky at first, looking at the screen and not the “paper” takes some getting used to. I still struggle a little with sketching on mine, but painting is great, and I’ve found it to be useful and easy to use in Blender when needed.

oooh i see, interesting peter! thank you for all of the advices! ill be looking into wacom or huion, i like their desings as well ^^ im so excited and got all hyped now lol cant wait to start or to download the new version of blender!
have a great day y’all! :smile:

ah well okey that make sense, and thank u gary, i will gary! :smiley: