Which one of these version is considered to have a better edge flow/topology for better shading

Im currently stuck with an old laptop with outdated graphics and I cant see the shadind on my models very accurately. I wonder which of these versions has a more ideal topology in general and which one gives you better highlights for the edges. Ive atachedd the blend files below

Edge flow redirection.blend (700.8 KB)
Edge flow redirection.blend1 (700.9 KB)

Ive went with the last one and added some more details. It seemed to have a more natural flow of the edges but my viewport quality isnt helping too much. Cant test with real materials as well for the same reasons mentioned above

Please bear in mind that overall I like what you’ve got going here, but this pole you have here appears to be causing a weird bevel shape. If this is going to be attached to a character and not larger than let’s say a dinner plate, nobody will notice.
From #3 in Edge flow redirection.blend

If you don’t mind tightening up those bottom corners (and you might, I like how it’s a gradual transition) you could try doing something like this
Subsurf doesn’t play nicely with tris and poles.
Edit: another good illustration of pole-related weirdness
Overall I agree the 3rd option was the best of the available. Will see if I can do better & keep gradual transition.

Edit: I tried to achieve a similar result with basically no holding edges, just variable mean crease, might not be enough control to get your desired result, but something to consider.
Edge flow redirection-2.blend (686.4 KB)

yeah, I dont know how that complex pole got away. You can get away with 5 edges poles but
6 is too much.
But you cant avoid them with supporting edges workflow. Im trying to get good with this traditional way of modeling cause I think thats the best way to learn topology and I think everybody should start with this before experimenting with creasing and with that Bevel shader trick.

Also I see you gradually decreased the creases value as you go down an edge loop and towards intersections. This resulted in not so defined hard edges but I suppose you did that to keep that bottom corner roundness right ? On curved surfaces you can get away with that ? meaning is the shading right if there are different creasing values for each of the edges of a loop ? are transitions smooth enough?

In general do you use the Vertex groups to manage your creases groups on more complex model. Is this working in a similar way like Max crease set editor ?