
This scene has probably been done before, but not by me and I really felt like making something a little more photorealistic. :smiley:


that looks great!

How do you get the glass to look so great?

Don’t know, I just made it… :smiley:

Very good. Post your settings if you wish to explain more clear, I’m sure people 'd love to see them (so do I :D).

The bottle of whisky looks really really full. Where I live people don’t sell bottles of whisky that full. Seriously, it should at least have lost the volume of the whisky in the glass.
The material of the thing that closes the bottle (don’t know the title :-|) isn’t convincing. Try less spec and a less effective and finer bumpmap.

Very good start, with a few modifications (perhaps the use of the fluid engine, it’s loads of fun) this can be awsome… Good luck.

Nice models, i really like the glass, i have something very alike in my mother house.

But i can’t really understand why everybody are trying to make a glass and a bottle, if it’s part of a wider scene o.k., but making all kind of bottles and glasses, it’s repeating itself a bit. ( :expressionless: oops, i forgot my thread of a bottle of beer) i guess all people blender what they like the most, for some it’s beer and whiskey, for some it’s alien spaceships, and for some it’s naked lady. what the heck, just keep blendering.

keep up the good work.


Did you use an HDRI on that?

No, no HDRI. Not even GI.

Sure, I’ll post the settings…


Um… those two have nothing to do with each other! Do you know what I mean by HDRI? It’s nice though!

Yes, I know what HDRI is.
Yes, I can make it work.
But no, I did not use it; I liked it better plain.

I also did not use GI, it made the render time go up 40min.


I am glad you are not my heart surgeon…

Nice work on the glass and lighting. Try HDRI if you can.

Are your shadows transparent? (is that possible with yafray?)

They should be…