White dots won't go away

Good evening to everyone,

I’m a very new user of blender and I recently started the basic tutorials, on the shading one, when I render my object with cycles there are several white dots that keep apearing on the scene:

(my scene)

(how it should look, the colors are unimportant)

The lamp is SUN type and the settings are the default ones except for the renderig engine.
I’ve searched online for solutions but (maybe because of my inexperience) nothing worked.

Thanks for your time^^

You just need to increase the number of samples that will be rendered into the scene. The default value is 10, which isn’t very much and always needs to be set higher.

Ticking the ‘multiple importance sampling’ box in the sunlamp settings will also give a significant reduction in noise (unless you have enabled caustics in which it will allow the rendering of those effects).

Hi, you can also use the Clamp setting in “Sampling”, start with values over 1.

Cheers, mib.

Thank you, I can now go on with the tutorials^^