White render

Hi all! I am new to Blender so need some help.
Somehow my render appears white. What is causing this?

Is this cycles or eevee?
Either way, if you open up the Color Management drop-down of the Render tab of a Properties window, you’ll see sliders for gamma and exposure. Try changing those.
Do you have any compositor nodes (or if you’re not sure, do you see anything if you open a Compositor Nodes window?)

It is Cycles. I will try as suggested. I have one compositor node

Maybe just too much light ??? How does it look in the render (not material) preview ?? Are there any other light sources disabled in viewport but not in render ??

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since we only see one image and not any of your settings i would suggest that you provide your blend file, by this we can check it out and tell you the reason very quick. The problem with “just an image” in this case is, that it could be a lot of reasons and as you can see in the answers/comments, they are just guessing what it might be.