Who learn't how?

Hello. As a matter of interest I was wondering how people learn’t to use blender.

I found blender one day on the school computers and took it home on a flash drive. Then over the course of the year I learnt (through trial and error) how to use it.

The poll closes in a week

You might also want to include “Using the Forums” in your poll. My learning (Ongoing) is a combination of using the forums, tutorials, reading the manual and trial and error.

I learned by working through various tutorials online. You can find a tutorial for pretty much anything you want to do.

I found blender one day on the school computers and took it home on a flash drive. Then over the course of the year I learnt (through trial and error) how to use it.

Sorry callmeishaiel, I have no idea how to edit a poll when it’s running.

Isn’t the Internet marvelous, no hunting for books in a library, no searching for instructors.

Ahh, the same as me Mike, word for word…
Now, where did Mike go?