"Who Needs the Moon?" Issue #1 - created using mypaint, inkscape and GIMP

***EDIT: Who Needs the Moon #1 is now live on ComiXology ***

Hi there,

I started another thread for this a while back, but unfortunately it is closed now.

So, here goes another.

For anyone interested, I’m creating a Graphic Novel that I am releasing as a mini series now digitally.

While it is not currently up on ComiXology, it was approved and should hopefully go up on the service at some point in the not so distant future. Fingers crossed, they seem to be getting a lot of creators submitting.

It is a mature Supernatural comic, dealing with the story of a werewolf drifter.

The townspeople of Kingford are unaware of the growing vampire problem that is soon to ruin them and their home.

Fortunately for them, there is a newcomer that has plans to stop the
monsters. And since being a werewolf, he’s got the muscle to do
something about it.

Maybe too much muscle.

I am selling the pdf digital copy through gumroad for US$1.

It was completely made using open source software, with the majority of the work having been done in MyPaint. Layouts were done with Inkscape and then the pdf was put together using Scribus.

GIMP was a go between for MyPaint and Inkscape, but with the Frame Enabled feature added to MyPaint, I’m not sure I’ll use GIMP as much in the future.

Maybe not at all, now that I finally have Krita working on my system as well.

Blog post concerning the issue.

If you buy a copy, you have my deepest thanks and I hope you enjoy it.
If I am successful with this, I’d like to do something special for the first 100 buyers some day.


I love your style. Succes with the project :wink:

Weird. I guess I never posted the reply today… Or maybe I did and this will somehow become a double post!

Thanks Doggie_B! Sorry for the late reply. I tore my ankle playing soccer and have been lying on the couch away from my pc.
my fingers are crossed.


That… was… a… long… wait.
15 weeks to be exact.

But Who Needs the Moon #1 is finally live on ComiXology, and I finally stopped crying.

I’m going to update the top post with the link for anyone interested.
[Who Needs the Moon #1 on ComiXology


Really digging the style. It seems very interesting too. Keep up the good work!

Thanks hormona, I’m still plugging away at it.

Who Needs the Moon #2 now available.

On DriveThruComics
From me using gumroad