Who will win the weekend challenge?

Ok before more people post their entry…I want to know. Who do you think will win the weekend challenge this week?

first vote, YOU!!

hehe TX

Yes your pic, definitly. With mblur and all the lines coming from your nova it’s awesome!!!

I just dont want to say how time it take to render the 800*600 image…
and it also work as Wallpaper!! mine now!

Wheres the option for me? :frowning:
Don’t worry it looks like you da winner this week :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry rogerm3d I didn’t see you placeholder…I added you! :wink:
and TX you very much…but everytime I participate and I think I will win because I think I have the best entry then someone post an entry and I get no vote…:frowning: The only thing I want this week is too have some vote…

Based on the placeholders and couple of entries so far, @ndy gets my vote :stuck_out_tongue:

ah for crusts sake I should have added a winkin smilly near their.
I was joking. :wink:
It really would be a miricle if I won with no entry
at least none planned at this time.

Gee you’re early… I haven’t even had the time to make anything yet… will do so tonight… I’ll try to give you a run for your money :wink: hehe

hmm…I’m planning something cool…still working on it…but I hope it’ll look acceptable when finished 8) …hmmm…yes…what could it be??!