Whole apartment in a tenement house

Last time I made personal project - whole apartment in tenement house based on real blueprint. Today I would like to show you all interior renderings :slight_smile: Blender 2.92 alpha + CYCLES


@senteria☺really cool interior you’ve done. Are they all made by you or some sort of taken from around the internet?

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Thank you @odil24 :slight_smile: I searched tenement blueprint a bit randomly and find nice one from https://fifearchitects.com/project/6141-apartment-renovation-glasgow . I tried to decorate it by myself. So yes it is made by me :slight_smile:


@senteria :slight_smile: yeah, great blueprints you’ve found. NIce modelling and texturing

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u did a great job nice

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you @bartv !

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You’re #featured! :tada:

Fantastic news thank you!!

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I’m drooling over your achievement, it’s really great. With your permission I would like to know how you arrived at this result.
1 could you reveal your lighting setup?
2 What are your gamma, AO and exposure settings, if I may? Did you use filters to achieve such a realistic result? Add-ons? What about post-production?
3 planes emit in windows? Incredible!

In fact I tried to but the result is zero

Thank you

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Thank you very much, of course I can put here some breakdown info:

viewport screen

Lightning setup for world is simply white background set to value 100 for whole scene.
Windows have portals + area lights (only diffuse) set to 100-200W.
Every room has also ceiling lights (meshlight) with value 15-25.
That’s all.
Color settings - none, only filmic view transform.

In my current projects I’m using also many arealights to make some objects brighter and eye-catching.

Postproduction - YES!

You can see that Postproduction have big impact to final result. It changes image very much.


Nice work! Very pleasant renders.

I’m surprised that you made everything in one scene (file), isn’t that too heavy for rendering? Also, I think that circular carpet lacks a tiny fibers.

Besides, I really liked that velvet shader, I’m looking for similar texture on assets stores but I don’t find anything good, do you know some good resources?

Cheers :slight_smile:

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Thank you @jacek007g :slight_smile:
Everything is in one scene because of nice collections management. So for this screen only I enabled all collections which was some challenge for my work station. File is heavy - 2,7GB without textures.

This velvet is made using microfiber leather texture:

My main source of texture is Poliigon.

Wish you all best


Thank you very much, is it possible to be in contact with you? If or how?

If you don’t want to make a public post then you can make a private message by clicking on his avatar or name in his reply.

Ah okay Thank