Why are there Blotchy areas when Painting in Texture Paint?

Hi, I sculpted a mesh, then unwrapped it and am painting on it in Texture Paint. My UV map is 2048 x 2048.

Question: I don’t know why the paint is not painting properly on the mesh. It is only painting smoothly in certain areas but not on the front (purple) area. The mesh is fairly high poly. Anyone know what I need to do to fix this?

Have you checked your face orientation; ie are your normals all facing outward?

Your UV mapping looks… bad, for lack of a better word. See all those tiny patches of color on your texture on the left? You don’t want that. If you share your UV you can confirm my suspicions, but I’m 99% sure you need to go back a step and unwrap again before you can paint well

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Ok, thanks to both of you. I will check both and try again. It was just a test so I will spend more time on it this time. Thanks.

If your mesh is very dense, perhaps it ll be better to use a vertex color instead of a texture and cabling your color attribute to your material color?


So I’ve transferred “high to low poly” before but it is such a huge procedure. I was just trying to paint on a high poly mesh in Blender but I guess it’s not possible using vertex paint.

Question: Any other ways I can paint on a UV map with a high poly mesh without having to go through converting the mesh from high to low poly?

Have you tried doing a better unwrap? That’s undoubtedly the problem. You probably have overlapping UVs.

Your object looks like a fairly simple blobby shape. Try using a Decimate modifier to reduce the number of polygons. Once you’ve applied that, you’ll have a simpler time unwrapping it. Then you can add a Subdivision surface modifier to smooth it out again.


Thanks. I’ll try that. :+1: :wink: