Why are there cross hatches in my glass material?

This is just a simple Glass BSDF (but different glass shaders act the same way).
I cannot replicate the issue on another blend file.
Tweaking with SubD, smooth shading, light paths didn’t do anything.

It’s driving me crazy trying to isolate the issue. Does anyone know what might have caused this?

Here’s the same object (more or less) on another file.

if I make another glass object in a separate file without any issues and append it to the file I’m working on. It also gets these weird artifacts:

After your testing, it seems your blend file has some issues.
What you could try, is to start with a new file, and start appending parts of the file that is giving you issues.
At some point, the render error should show up again. And that’s your culprit right there.
I know, a pain in the behind, but sometimes things like these are necessary to figure out stuff :wink:

Can you share the messed-up one in a compressed Blend file?

I can’t think of anything that’s not obvious that could cause a Quad mesh to triangulate and shear the wireframe like that…

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Was able to reproduce the issue yesterday.

Seems like a Mac-related bug turning on Metal RT in Blender 4.2 (turning it off fixes it, and downgrading versions does as well)

Refractive objects that are away from the world origin have these artifacts. The further away, the worse it gets.


What version of blender are you using?
Did you check it out on another version of blender? :thinking:

If you share a file containing that object, others can check it out.
Or, if this is suspected to be a bug, you can report a bug. :slightly_smiling_face: