Hi there, I was painting some color map masks to use with embergen.
I just noticed that once I switch to ortoviews, which you preferably want when painting straight on top, or in front of an object, it doesn´t work…I can´t paint anything, as soon as I switch to perspective view using switch icon (grid below camera icon)
Then I can paint, so yeah, I can do that workaround, but still…a bit odd that we have to be aware of that, would be bette if it worked both in ortho and in perspective viewe.
But did you try to paint in the orthoviews? if so you should have replied back that it works.if you are not aware of any different settings?
just use ortho view and try to paint a color vertex map in that view, not weight paint.
Blender version 3.4.0 alpha, for me it just doesn´t work.
Windows 10.
Setups…not needed, you just need to be aware of how to paint a vertex map, in the color attribute, adding a map first that is black and paint in full blue color rgb value.
Don´t get fooled by using a top view in perspective projection or front view in perspective projection from that of the true ortho projection.
I will install later versions soon and check, but I suspect this isn´t adressed…just got a hunch
Using it to paint a mask for embergen fluid emission…
In Lightwave I have no such issues with painting in ortho top views or front views…
Both Lightwave and blender now works to paint vertex color maps to use in embergen, so I have solved that, it´s just a little quirk that I have to switch to perpsective view and can not be in orthoviews when painting in blender.
Thanks for testing, but you are not doing it as I said, you have to paint with vertex
paint not the texture paint, which is required to create a mask to use in embergen, and it´s what I used.
You are testing this with the standard texture paint, not the vertex paint, and in my case…I have no problem either to paint with that tool in ortho views.
Edit…but you know what…it suddenly works when painting with vertex colors.
not sure what happened here.
Will have to test more again.
As I edited, in my previous post…which you probably missed, it must have been a glitch, could have been due to me maybe having two instances of blender open simultanuously.
just do not know why it didn´t work.
it now works to paint in orthoviews, with vertex color paint as well.