Why can't I write "sexy" without being manually approved?

This is the second time in a short while that I post something and get a prompt that my post have to be approved, and that is because I wrote that I thought a Porsche is sexy, and that refractions are sexy. Why is that?
Sure I guess it’s because it’s a precaution for porn spammers etc, but is that really that big of a problem that I as a regular user have to be punished for it just because I use that word in my regular vocabulary?

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Also, you’re not being “punished”


I’ve made several posts that included a word that has nothing remotely related to adult content, but are words auto-flagged for other reasons.

All my posts were approved. Don’t stress on it.


Posts being auto moderated is way preferable to massive amounts of spam.


I’m not stressed by it, I’m annoyed by it when something that is supposed to protect a person is also hurting that person.
So maybe add a system that after a few of these posts approvements a user will be auto approved?

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That’s a great idea, feel free to write a Discourse plugin that does this and we can get it added :slight_smile:


Show us on the doll where the bad bot hurt you. :wink:


Just try discussing art reference where the models are in states of extreme lack of clothing.

All of those words get auto moderated, even when in completely non fun times in the bed room context.

I just want to clear something up here: 99.9% of the time these messages don’t actually get moderated. Yes, we have a list of words that push posts into the moderation queue for a manual review. These are usually cleared very quickly. The keyword sexy and some related ones need additional review because we’ve learned that they often contain NSFW content that requires additional tagging. So even in those cases all we do it apply the tag and release the message.

We have other keywords that are often related to spam, and on top of that we have an automatic spam filter that weeds out the worst spam on its own.

I get that people expect their message to be posted instantly, and that it would definitely benefit the speed of conversation in some cases, but we have chosen for a more careful approach and have found that it helps keep this forum clean and sane.


Here are some synonyms : https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/sexy?s=t
You might want to try “hmm, this Porsche sure is flirtatious

damn ! I got caught in the net too. fortunately Bart is on the lookout


Maybe… just because humans have some weird ideas about language… not every word has only the meaning what someone does mean with it… ( ← and this is really mean :wink: ) and so sometimes people make rules about this…

On the other hand… this also sometimes is… weird…

( and yes i do use a general preconceptions about citizens of the united states here… you can even see the article starts with “Americans” … not including Canadians or “South-Americans”… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )

And of course all this wouldn’t be necessary when everbody read the Guidelines… but then there also wouldn’t be all this questions about why some new user may not be able to upload more than one image… if they just would have read something about the how to use this forum software… in the FAQ… or maybe had clicked the on the personal message because the discobot :robot: send them a welcome…

So the main problem… are humans… :crazy_face:

TLDR (?):

This site doesn’t want to get sued… not even want to have problems… nor drama…