Why did the developers wait until version 4 to start changing bone layers to collections.
Did the community not long ago ask for better character animation support.
And when will the " new " NLA be replaced.
Character animators have waited years for the pose libary add on.
I am not complaining just wondering why it took so many years.
Happy blending
You’d be better served asked them directly on Blender chat, anything you’ll get here is just guesses and personal opinions (so, entirely useless )
They hate us, mate. They were sitting on the bone collections code and taunted us, they love seeing us suffer.
I asked this years ago no answer and then a chinees guy made the pose library, inmiddiatly there worked on there pose library to give it away in the addons library.
They do not listen to us.
Ok, so you’ve already made up your mind that the developers don’t listen to users out of spite, so why are you asking this question? You already have an answer you’re happy with
For anything in the world anytime there will be anyone who wants something on somewhat what wasn’t done in the first place…
…and after every change there will be some who wants the old version back…
But it’s simply… it is what it is…
This is a totally general “statement” and not meant any bad at all… it’s simply… like so…
This statement offends me! I am offended!
Yeah, there will always be a bunch of people that hate the changes too
I have only asked for a pose library which
bookyakuno name on twitter X has made also find on gumroad. The blender addon is just a clone.
But the blender developers still do not listen to the community can you tell me why has bone layers removed to collections after years waiting.
By the way its good to hear.
The answer’s quite simple. They probably had it on the backburner for awhile, and only recently got around to implementing it.
There’s no grand conspiracy behind it. It’s merely a combination of scheduling and adjusting to an ever evolving roadmap.
Thanks good i know you… a little… to some degree… or millimeters…
( and do not tell me “to less than an inch”… )
Come on. It cant be THAT simple.
Well, they do spend a good chunk of their days trying to con war widows out of their pension checks.
And i was still waiting update after update
Nothing happend. A pose library is nothing new for a character animator.
It took them awhile, but hey, it’s here now. Enjoy it.
To be honest… if you do look into devtalk… sometime i think the have to struggle with users more than the have time to do some coding…
( I remember that person who wanted them to change almost everthing in blender because (s)he thought this has to be… being “only” a 3D user and knowing nothing about programming and didn’t understood anything about the different paradigma the “other” app does use. (s)he contiously mentioned… “but in … this is…” …or… someone else: why does it not work on XP… resurect 2.7…)
O yes i repect there work. But some things could be done earlier don t ignore the animators they want to work with blender. Now they have to redo a lot because of bad coding. That s too bad.
In its early days, new collection system had issues.
So, developers tried to limit amount of them, by not generalizing it to every feature that had an old layer system.
Rigid bodies are still using old system of collision layers, renamed collision collections.
They did not want to face all issues at same moment.
In 2.8x, UI of animation editors was changed. Multi-object posing had to be supported. Weight Painting had to be usable, despite multi-object editing support. Grease Pencil animation ceased to be a per scene animation, to become a per object animation.
Python API of drivers was changed.
There were previous features from 2.7x to complete ( Bendy Bones, Alembic support…)
So, new stuff was limited to improving constraints (New API → New Rigify → New Bone Constraints) , developing USD export. glTF support.
In 2.9x, the work focused on Library Overrides support and improvement of Graph Editor. And a modifier stack refactoring happened.
New Geometry Nodes have to support animations, too.
In 3.x series, the work was still about that + NLA Editor improvements.
And the new Asset Browser became basis of work on New Pose Library.
As a consequence, new Pose Tools in viewport were added.
Basically, a lot of changes in workflow or additions of new stuff were implying to create the support of them, by animation system.
So, developers established issues due to that new stuff.
And in 4.x, the idea is to rebase animation system to solve them.
Basically, there was too much work not to split it, in several steps.
Developers probably could have chosen another order of priorities. But that just means that would be another feature, that would not have been present until Blender 4.
Collections not being a perfectly embraced concept in 2.8x series ; I personally would have not made it a priority, before 2.9x series.
If there would have been no issue with collections in 2.8x ; I would have expected bone collections to happen in 2.8x.
Personally, I would have prioritized that, among USD and Pose tools.
But I would also have prioritized some Graph Editor improvements over Bone Collections.
But I am not thinking like a developer, trying to see the big picture, to manage a team and to attract sponsors, patrons, contributors.
I am just thinking as a user.
This might be so… but also:
- there could be more code contributors
- there could be more donorers
- there could be more more equity
- there could be more peace
…on this earth…
Well, the thing is:
3 is a prime number, 4 isn’t.
So they really had no choice other than wait until version 4, you know?
greetings, Kologe