Why do all my HDRI background images visualize as if they have motion blur applied by default?

Getting into the basics and I’ve been simply trying to import an hdri, however it doesn’t seem to get visualized properly. Here’s what I mean

Any idea how can I fix that?

You need to use the Environment Texture node, not the Image Texture node.

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Node configuration is as follows

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@TheTuxedo It is, in fact, an environment texture node. That’s the purplexing thing.

@oo_1942 Tried your configuration but still get the same result.

You’re in orthographic view, switch to perspective

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@joseph sir, you are a life saver. Thank you!

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This has tripped me up a few times myself :sweat_smile: Orthographic view is actually technically perspective view but with infinite FOV. The pixel streaks you’re seeing are the result of that infinite perspective

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