Here is the scre
en shot. Does the same in 3.2.
Does it have something to do with windows framework. I have no idea.
This is no error message… it’s an info message…
since you seems to use windows and to start the blender.exe
via shotcut or commandline ?? So you maybe have to look up the settings:
See Docs-Blender Manual: Advanced → Command Line → Launch → Windows…
…to change to your liking…
Thanks okidoki. I will look in the manual.
Here is the fix to my problem Okidoki. Thanks for your advice. It helped me find the solution. It worked perfectly.
Cheers from Canada
Ahh… yes… windows… i’m on linux
Kids these days… Only know mobile apps
Okidoki, I am using a multitude of progams, and will be using Plasticity and Xnurbs shortly, so I need Windows to run these progams. If you use Windows 11 in the future you can make it more like windows 10 with this …
See the section on Explorer Patcher…I think it is around the 6 minute mark.
If you want to bork your system quickly, this is the way (insert mandatory Mando image here)
I truly don’t understand people who go out of their way to fiddle with Windows to have it look like a previous version. Win7>Vista or XP, Win8>Win7, Win11>Win10.
These tools most often mess up your registry and rights management, or worse and stealthy install malware.
Just use the version you want to run, instead of messing with a compromised Windows system that still works different than the previous one.
I’ve seen so so many messed up PC’s in my IT years, just keep it as it is. You’re doing yourself a favor.
Trust me bro ™.
Rob,thanks for your advice. I will consider it. Is there a program to catch most malware. I would uninstall it, but might then have even more problems. No apparent issues on 23h2. 24h2 apparently has problems.
Thanks again.
If you already installed it, I hope there’s an option within the tool to completely reverse all the tweaks done.
Also keep in mind that every Windows update changes and adds features in Windows. If a update come across something that isn’t what it expects, the update might break things and your system may become a paperweight.
Or, if you’re lucky, roll back the update and still works.
There was a time when registry cleaners were all the fad. I’ve never seen so many reinstallations of applications and/or the OS, as the cleaners often randomly threw out perfectly fine settings.
Resulting in applications throwing errors on startup, or OS’s crashing for the weirdest reasons.
If the problem is that you see the command prompt window while running the blender, try using blender-launcher.exe.
There are two executable files for the blender: blender.exe and blender-launcher.exe.