Why do my FBX exports look like this?

Hello everyone, I am using Blender 3.1.2 and I need to animate some stuff then export it in FBX.

Problem is my animations seem to mix and create rotates that ruin the whole thing.
Even when I import the thing into a new Blender scene.

I did a simple scene using 2 cubes that I moved and rotated, then exporting them, and looking at them with the Windows 3D Viewer shows 4 different animations, like if all the transforms were separated…
But I can’t manage to get it all visually animated like I did.

Could this has something to do with local translates/rotations ? I didn’t use Empties, just basic mesh animations…
Or maybe it’s just an export box that I didn’t check :face_with_monocle:

The fact that everything works in my original scene, and not anywhere else is driving me crazy !

Please help :smiling_face_with_tear:

Welcome to the FBX format, where stuff is messed up all the time. Especially in Blender, where they had to re-engineer the format to get it to work.

No idea what’s going on at your end though.

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Seconded- any chance you can use a different export format?

Welcome :tada:

:thinking: this sounds weird…

… what does:

… even mean ?

And also :

Could it be that you have some mirror modifier added and disabled it in viewport… ??

Hi :slight_smile:

When I say that my animations seem to mix, I mean that my rotates on object A are also applying on object B (which is not suppose to since I didn’t even put keyframes on any rotation axis)

I am new at animating, but my animation is playing perfectly in Blender. It’s after export, when I open it up in the Windows 3D Viewer that it shows this :

See all these animations ? On this object I just need the grey tubes to “roll”, but as you can see one of them got affected by some translates and rotates actually keyed to another object.
Playing all these animations would get me different results, like if they were not linked to any particular object…

Sadly no, I need the .fbx format.
I tried to export it as .obj and .stl though, but it still gets messed up when I import it back in Blender…

Well… if you don’t show your setup but only the result… (nor the blend file)… then it is not easy to say something about it or beeing helpfull… :person_shrugging:

Cannot upload files as a new member here, but : https://we.tl/t-I3C7g5cpPl

This is a simple scene, with simple meshes and simple animations… Pic in the original post is from this.

Do you have the same result, or is something wrong on my side ?

Thank you

You can try alembic (.abc) or USD (.usd).
I’ve used the first one to convert all my MAX files into .blend when I was making a switch.
I’m not sure about USD features as this importer/exporter is still in development.

Hi silex,

Sadly I have to import my animated scene into OpenSpace3D which does not support .abc, so I’m stuck with .fbx…

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Yes this is weird… maybe because the FBX format is properitar and had to be reengineered… it seems not to be possible to export more than one animation… so i deleted the other and exported one… so i got two different animations (i colored one.):

Cubes-whiteJump.fbx (22.0 KB)
Cubes-green.fbx (26.8 KB)

I’ve been 3D modeling/animating for a game jam recently and found that the built-in FBX exporter is just not compatible with much except very basic situations. I switched to BetterFBX and things have been working better. I’m not sure how reliable of a previewer 3D Viewer is though because it shows issues in my animations and geometry that aren’t present in Blender or Godot.

I see what you did, thanks for your time !!

I’m kinda relieved that you got the same result as me.
I will try to export the objects separately, even though it’s a precarious solution…better than nothing ! :slight_smile:

Just as a side node…

Others do have their problems with FBX also… just discovering that there will be dragons :wink: :