Why does Blender (2.83.2) think these objects are the same dimensions?

This object has been edited in Edit mode.

This object shows the same dimensions, started as a cube and then dimensions entered in the panel.

I need the exact dimensions of the 1st (brown) object, but can see they are wrong. What do I do to reset the dimensions? Why are they wrong in the 1st place?

  • Thanks!

try freezing your transformations. this is a must in almost all applications that I can think of. As you resize an object you are changing it in relation to it’s local space but not the world. Press ctrl+a on windows and press all transformations on both. They should read correct then I think. That or this could be a bug but I dont have the issue. On mac I think its CMD+a but I cant remember off the top of my head.

Couldn’t find Freeze <something…like Scale>. Tried “Apply All Transforms” but had no effect.

huh… which version of blender are you using? EDIT: dumb question. Just reread the title. One minute.

hmmm. are these imported objects or are these made in blender?

Both made in Blender. Both started as cubes. Brown one edited in Edit mode. Gray one just resized.

That is wierd! Scale is right on both of them, no logical reason I can see. If you save the file and append the objects to another empty file, do you get the same result? If it’s only these 2 objects, post hte blend file here so people can check for possible answers.

Dimensions still wrong when appended to a new file.

dimension issue.blend (684.4 KB)

You have a loose vertex point from Cube.005 that is near Cube.007. If you delete it the Dimensions are closer but not perfect. Just select Cube.005 and in edit mode “select all” and you should see the vertex. I think this is what made the X and Y dimensions incorrect. Not sure but I hope this helps.

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Removing the stray vertices seems to fix the dimensions.

But then the highlight should have included the vertices too. If the highlight had included the vertices then it would have been obvious.

Yeah it can be a pain sometimes, I think in edit mode you can go to Mesh -> Clean up -> Delete Loose, to delete loose vertex points.