Why does blender have (Unsaved) on the upper left corner?

no matter how many times I restart blender it says this I have photo of it. This is first time the blender does this to me. I use 4.0 as you can see really irritating!!!
unsaved what

Because your file isn’t saved- save your file and it will go away

I mentioned that I have restarted blender so what file ? I open default scene and it says this I don’t htink it has nothing to do with any unsaved file. I would understand this if I have actualy project open that has something in it.

I also saved default file since I have brought my settings from earlier version and still it says this

Also when I open actual project it disappear, but after then opening back to default it appears.

A default scene is a project open that has something in it… it is the very definition of an unsaved file.

Because you’ve saved your project file, and you haven’t saved the new file you’re created when you open the default

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but I just said that I have saved the default file, but it wont help. just to say it clear. I open acutal project file then open default scene. It says unsaved I save the default scene as “save start up file” and still the unsaved stays there. I restart blender and it stays there. If this were as simple as you mention I wouldn’t be askin help :smiley:


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You don’t save default file to new location that jsut creates new project file.

I tested to save the strat up file like normally to replace the startup file where blender loads it and nope still unsaved remains so obviously blender is glitched.

And so it becomes a “saved file”.

You don’t open a default file - it’s a new file created from the default. Meaning it’s “unsaved” at the start.
When you “save startup file” it just overrides the default, but it’s not the same file that is currently opened (I think)


Correct. If a new file shared the same data block as the default file, any changes to any new file would propagate backwards to the startup file. They are entirely separate- a new file is an unsaved copy of the startup file


ahh so this is some sort of new way of blender telling that this default file unsaved until I save it for the first time right ?

I think most programs call this “Untitled”? :person_shrugging: Or something similar
It’s just a quality of life improvement - to see the state of the file more clearly.

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Iäm so used to not seeing this that it’s just annoying. I know if I want to save file or not no need to code it to the defualt file. I checked out, but I can’t find nayway to get rid of it so I quess it’s coded to the base code of blender. Pretty lame.

You can use 3.6, this is a new feature in 4.0

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no way homie!

I mean there is already “save prompt” which is good feature that prevents accidental closing before saving so this just seems overkill.

Or you can crash or lose power at any moment - better safe than sorry…

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no! I disagree. You can’t foretell crashing and text saying “unsaved” don’t help in foretelling when your system is crashing so no.

If they want to overkill I think FL studio has made this same feature, but onyl better. In Fl studio you can decide timeframe when it tells you to save the file in that way there is no “unsaved” reading right at the start of opening the file. Time minimum in FL seems to be 5 minutes so after 5 minutes it is showing first time “file is unsaved”.

A full feature software for creating whatever you want in CG. Countless hours of work from countless people poured into it. Provided to you for free.

Some word at the top of the software is not to your liking? Come on man…

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I have the right to disagree on obvious logical errors.

This is why blender has “save promp” that asks you would you like to save the file before closing if you forget to save and trying to close blender. You can have saved file 1 minute before, did little thing then tried to close and blender noticed that and asked. I think the save prompt is excellent feature, but this new “lets add some pointless text” It’s like adding new thing that really isn’t solving anything and isn’t as as affective as the “save prompt” which have saved me countless times too.

In the end it’s more about aesthetics if nothing else and like my aesthetics logical and clean.

I have the right to disagree

Agree on that. We probably won’t agree on the importance of your complaint, but that is fine of course :slight_smile: