Why does this keep happening with the Surface Deform modifier?

Is there any way to fix this, or might there be a better way of making the clothing follow the torso rig without weight painting it?

This is on of this example where everbody… just can guess…
…some vertices are not in the vertex group they should be in… some weight painting went wrong… parts of the geometry wasn’t completly selected while applying the armature… or anything of the possible failure…

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

To explain further: I’ve been trying to port some models from a game. Thing is, all the characters use the same base mesh and just have clothing on top. But, when exported the clothing didn’t have any weight paint. Now you see, I don’t really want to learn weight painting. It would most definitely help with my problem but I am not patient enough to learn it.
I found a way that kind of worked with the Surface Deform modifier that made it follow the torso. But it had the big problem that i’m trying to fix here.
I think I might’ve found a way to overcome this by using the Data Transfer modifier to transfer the vertex data from the torso. But even that has it’s problems, with how the mesh deforms weirdly since the topology of the torso and the clothing are very different.

Also, I want to apologize for saying torso rig instead of just saying that it wouldn’t follow the torso mesh. I wrote this out late at night and didn’t really think about the wording

…so you are exporting the clothing on it’s own ?? And expect it to work without any adjustment work… ???

…i mean: here are obviously some part of the cloth way more afare form where it usually is controlled… but the automatic weight feature while parenting an armature usually does make a first nice job… nevertheless some enhancement of the weights has to be done… or the geometry has to be refined in some parts… or whatever… every fix is work…

Good luck…

You could try assigning the offending vertices to a vertex group (no real weight painting, just enter weight paint mode, lasso the verts in a wireframe preview, assign) and doing a high strength + iteration corrective smooth on those vertices.

Thank you! This seems to have worked pretty well!