why doesn't imperial units translate 1:1

I might be missing something very basic here, but here goes: Why is it, when you switch from blender units to imperial units, 1 blender unit equals 1.094 yards? Why isn’t it pure 1 to 1? (1 blender unit equals 1 yard).
Thank you

1 metre = 1.094 yards
Set 0.9144 as the scale value in the Scene / Units settings (1yd = 0.9144m)

1 Bu = 1 Meter
and then you got the English system Yard


Thanks for the replies; now I know where the 1.094 comes from and that a scale of 1 is defined to be 1 meter (giving the metric system a kind of preference). I don’t really see why you can’t have separate scales for the Imperial and metric systems. That is, in the metric system, 1Bu is defined to correspond to 1m, and in the Imperial system, 1Bu is defined to correspond to 1 ft. Seems like it would make it easier, rather than having to adjust the scale, but I guess there’s a good reason for it.
Thank you.

well you donot have to adjus the scale it’s automatically done for you

just change it from metric to Imperial that’;s all


Well it’s not making any automatic adjustment for me. Starting from no units, when I change to metric, a dimension of 1.000 (Blender unit) changes to 1m. Then, when I change to imperial, the dimension changes to 1.094yd. So the scale is definitely not being adjusted automatically, not for me anyway (maybe you have a special setting on your setup to do it automatically?)

in scene panel you can select the Units Imp blender and Metric

now open up you N Transform panel and look at the different dimensions which follows as per unit selection

also if you want to change the grid check under display and set the grid to whatever you want like 1 foot or other depending on the units
and the grid will adjust itself ect…

the only i don’t understand is when i;m in top view and zoom in and out i can see at top left a unit like Feet or yard function of zoom and i cannot see the grid anymore!
don’t know what it does !

happy 2.5