Why is baking not working on this object?

Why doesn’t baking work on this keyboard? As you can see in the image, it looks all kind of weird whilst every other object works perfectly fine.
There are three files I got from Simple Bake, they all look the same. Could it be because the keys are not joined to the base? They are just the same object.

U need to connect uv mapping node. Nodewrangler ctrl + t

The image texture node should default to UV cords, are the UV’s ok?
do you have more than one UV map?
If so you will need a UV Map node and to select the correct map for baking.

The problem should be coming from the UV’s somewhere.

I see you are using Udims, this could be part of the problem, I do not have experience with Udims.

The video in this link might help:

I mean I could probably use something else other than udims. Simple Bake just gives me a png that I slap onto each object, when I was trying to do it manually I could never understand uv mapping/unwrapping. I guess image texture defaults to udims, or maybe the texture changes it

Could you give me more information? I’m still relatively new to blender sorry :sweat_smile:

In the image texture node where it says Udim Tiles you should be able to change that to single image (click on Udim tiles to get the menu.), but it will not look right if the model uses Udim’s.

What do you UV’s look like for the keyboard?

If it is a model you downloaded it probably is using UDIM tiles which is why it is set up that way.

Also it probably was already baked (which is why you get the UDIM tiles in the image node.) If so and you have not changed the image or added extra nodes for dirt etc there should be no need to bake it again.

Everything in the scene I made myself using the basic blender tool etc (whether that means its udims or not idk). I have tried changing all the settings in the image texture and none of them fixed it, just changed how the erroriness looked. When I’m next at my pc I’ll get a picture of the uv map for you :slight_smile:

Well if you did not set up the UDIM tiles then I am not sure why the texture node says UDIM, you might have set it to Udim’s by mistake.

Can you share a screenshot of your UV’s and texture for the keyboard?

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When I’m next at my pc I will yes, it won’t be for a while tho

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When you set it to combined the shading information is baked, but i see no Principled shader in the image ? So what is blender supposed to bake ? What does a normal render look like ?

Here’s the uv and texture (although you get three from Simplebake for some reason however two of them are black so I didn’t include them). I also tried doing single image but the outcome was mostly the same. I think it may be an error with the uvs, it doesnt look like theres any keys on it.

I bake it with a principled shader, then remove it becuase I want my objects to be unlit.
This is how it looks after a render (with all principled shaders):

Ok. I think the uvs are not good. Try uv, auto or unwrap, it doesnt matter as long as they dont overlap. Then u should be fine

Yes I am pretty sure that if you get 3 textures when baking it is due to the fact that Udims are checked. There are probably 3 tiles setup which is why you get 3 texture images. Udims are a way to get 3 images mapped to 3 UV tiles.

Udim tiles are UV’s that are outside the 0-1 range and are mapped separately as different tiles (it is a little complex to explain) there are many tutorials out there.

I think it got messed up when you set the texture somehow.

There also seems to be a problem with the UV’s (they do not look like a keyboard layout)

From your first screenshot it looks like each key of the keyboard is using the whole texture, as if the face of each key is occupying the entire UV space.
I would expect the UV’s for the keyboard to look more like this;

Note that each key is laid out in the UV’s.

I would get rid of the texture, and redo both the UV’s and the material nodes. You might have to purge the image texture from the file so that it is not tied to the udim setup (or use a new one with a new name).

The image texture I used for this keyboard looks like this,