Why is blenders Viewport performance so slow/even slower?

If we’re nitpicking Maya is much older than that, being based off software by Wavefront… 1998 is just the 1.0 release of Maya as we call it today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autodesk_Maya

As @Hadriscus pointed out, Maya is older if you consider it wasn’t always known as Maya and you could choose to consider it a derivative software. And forget its age for a minute. From the beginning, Maya was made for professionals to do professional work so for better or worse, and especially how it has aged somewhat poorly due to closed vs open source, it many animators and designers still prefer Maya or C4D to blender (although this is thankfuly changing and I am in full support of it) because really, blender just cared about different things. And thats fine. Its a tool. But Blender puts priorities on things that make it an easier entry point but that sometimes comes at the saccrafice of small but SUPER important features for professional work. Are there workarounds and addons, yeah, but frequently they are sub-par to built in functionality that works as intentded. Here are a few examples.

-Ability to select curves in the graph editor. You can select points, but to grab a curve you have to select 2 handles while in maya, I just grab the curve.

-Blender was designed in a way where remapping the keys not just can but WILL reduce functionality. In maya may hand always stays in one spot in a non-carpel tunnel inducing position. In blender I frequently need to perform a circus act and frequently have a great deal of wrist pain.

-Node trees can be connected to one another. I can have one color or texture or whatever else driving an input(s) of 3 (or however many) entirely materials simultaneously without having to create a group or links. Also I can work on more than one material in a single editor at the same time instead of working one material or light or whatever else at a time.

-(edit) Needed to work in a rant about… Why cant I add an audio waveform to the timeline or graph editor yet? It makes animating SO much harder. I dont know of a single animation software beside blender that doesn’t let me do it. Timing up animations with a kick drum, voice, or what have you, is so much harder when I need to have open 3 windows and synchronize them than just timing and placing them in one window but displaying the waveform in all of them. If we could fix that it would be much appreciated. It is super useful to have for my work and incredibly frustrating that I don’t have. Rant over.

-Lastly… the cream of the discussion here… viewport performance. Now, I have already hashed this out with someone on here and our discovery is it is system dependant. They had better viewport performance in blender, I had significantly better viewport performance in maya, but maya has implamented some VERY key features to allow that to work in the first place like LOD systems for VP textures, shading, vertex disply, backface culling, view distance, line drawing reduction, etc. And for as much as maya crashes (and it does crash, a LOT…) I have never made a change in the viewport in maya that has made it impossible to open my file again. I HAVE made changes in blender where the resolution got too high, it didnt crash immediately, I saved, then sometime later it did crash, and then I couldnt get the file open again and lost 3 itterations of changes and had to go back.

To the statement of maya being more ““ripe.”” I look at it like this. Blender is sweeter but has less flavor. You can add other things to give it more flavor but until it grows up a bit more we just wont see some of the benefits of it having that flavor jam packed in there itself. Maya has more flavor but is growing in poor conditions and really is only useful these days when it is the ONLY flavor that will work. It just so happens a lot of professionals need that flavor still.

-in the next version of blender you can select curves in the graph-editor

(in the graph editor you could take an object an bake a sound file to a key, but this is really a workaround to see the waveform even in the Grapheditor)

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A) :raised_hands:t3: finally

B) yeah but that sorta goes to my point that “you can add flavor.” Theres addons and workarounds but it’s not the same as it internally being able to do it right in a way that doesn’t involve half rate solutions. Does it work? Yeah, but we shouldn’t need to rely on that as the only method is my only point. And there’s loads more examples and I know the devs are working really hard to manage and grow a lot for a free software. And it’s amazing. I just personally hope we see even more useful additions like we have been seeing lately so we can break away from the MacGyver solutions to create seemingly basoc functionality just a little bit

ok i didnt know that, but my point stil stands , theres over a decade , almost two decades, between the maturity of both progs , maya has been used to create bockbuster movies when most of blender community werent even born.

In your defense, hes not exactly correct. Maya existed before then it just wasnt called maya officially yet and it wasnt a piece of software a company could just buy. Maya was just the codename given to the development project where they altered AliasSketch. That project began in the early 90s I believe. Maya became the official name of the software in 98, but it is a culmination of software development since the early 80s and the software with the codename Maya first was used in a major production in the early 90s if I recall. To that end, Maya has been in development much longer.

I have personally found that if you have a Subdivision Modifier attached to an object this will definitely affect your Blender Screen Performance ie in causing lagging for up to 3-10 seconds when using the transform tools. Removing the modifier fixed the problem. Also helps if you have a Good-PC build and Graphics card that supports Cycles render. Running Blender 2.9 and 2.83 with MakeHuman Community. PC is Aorus Elite with AMD ryzen 5 2600 and 16GB ram and an outdated but workhorse GT 710. Rendering done for now on the CPU. Can be noted any type of Vertex Subdivision on the Mesh with this rig causes lagging problems. Need to update to a better GPU at some stage.
Recommended CPU for Home Useage Blender 2.9:
Budget Build-Mulit core CPU up to as many cores as you can afford - Ryzen 5-7 gen 6-8 cores fits the bill.
My Ryzen 5 2600 6 core seems to get along. Dont forget the compatible MOBO and fan and i have 16gb ram - 32 is even better considering the prices @ 2021 under 400.00.
Graphics card:I cycles render on CPU so they recommend Nvidia Cards with Optix - X.
At high end Nvidia RTX 3070 is highly recommended for Cycles rendering on Blender 2.9.
At mid range Nvidia Geforce 1080 TI recommended.
Note the above cards support CUDA.
As always ensure there is the correct driver for your Rig i am running Linux Mint 20.

I have noticed this as well. Also a huge performance hit with moving objects specifically with a child boolean. It is not such a big deal if the boolean object does not move also but if you use an object as a cutter and parent it to the target then things get slow. Although I have no doubt there is a similar system I just don’t fully understand in place, it seems as though there could be a proxy system that they could implement to speed this process up where it could pseudo apply the boolean while it is visible and then when you disable you just stop using the proxy. Have it as a little check box for those of us who will not be tampering with the boolean a whole lot. I don’t know how effectively “easy” or “hard” that would be to add but I think it would be one more step to allow the user to optimize their workflow in a relatively non destructive way. I use proxies a lot anyway but it takes its toll on rendering too.

I wish Blender would implement the code similar to what’s in Unrealengine 5, which someone demonstrated could handle easily scenes with a billion (that’s billion with a B) triangles and no lag in the viewport.

That said, I noticed a huge performance hit when looking through a camera and trying to move that camera in a scene I built with Kit Ops Pro. Pop out of the camera and viewport navigates smoothly, but use the camera and it updates like 1 FPS. Unusuable. In wireframe is just as slow as in Cycles. That’s on RTX3090.

I noticed this as well. I had a scene that was running more or less smoothly at 22 FPS but as soon as I put a camera in to the scene it slows down to around 4 FPS.
I don’t even have to view the scene through the cam. The mere presence of the cam seems to destroy performance.

I can hit 0 on the numpad and get out of the camera and get my FPS rate back up. In my case, the presence of the camera seems not to affect viewport FPS. It’s only when looking THROUGH the camera that it slows way down. And this seems to be exclusive to a scene I built with Kit Ops pro. Other scenes up to 30 million triangles seem to navigate fine with looking through camera.